The Wedding Billie Delia Symbols Dreams/Visions
K.D and Arnette
Who gets married at the wedding?
Her mom believed her to be dangerous like everyone else; she stays Time at the convent.
What caused a violent fight with her mother? Where did she end up going?
The conflict over the oven.
What is a example of an event previously that the conflict of the sermons could be a direct consequence of?
A series of thoughts, images and/or sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. Dreams are important because they are thoughts. While dreaming you are thinking, but on a much deeper level than being awake.
What is a dream? Why are they important?
Revelation 19:7, 8, 9, and Matthew 19:6
What biblical verse had Misner planned to allude at the wedding?
Her relationship and love with her brothers, Brood and Apollo Poole, and her connection with them
She moved from Ruby to Demby and would of moved further. What kept her close to home?
That the past can be as vivid as the present, and in the way which dreams and supernatural or surreal dreams have equal standings with the “real world”.
What does the quote, “dead sons...leaning against the Kelvinator(154)” show?
Small, brightly colored feathers are in her sink
Among the novels significant dreams, Soane has one. What is it?
Jeremiah 1:5
What biblical verse had Reverend Pulliam featured in a sermon about Arnette’s “outrage at the convent”?
She would ride Hard Goods, Nathan DuPres’ horse. She was too young for underwear and when she saw Hard Goods and Nathan, she pulled her panties down anticipation. She received a whipping from her mother and that has reflected on her reputation and herself forever.
In this chapter, we got a new perspective of sin event from Billie Delia’s childhood. What happened and how did this affect her?
How things in Ruby are not as they seem or made to be. Despite Ruby’s intentions to be an exclusive paradise to those who live there, the inclusion of the town rests on the exclusion of certain individuals.
What is Billie Delia a symbol/example of?
Characters often believe that things they see are intentional signs from God; therefore they wonder how to read them in the correct way
Why is the question of interpretation of dreams and visions important in the novel?
They were concerned about vultures as they were seen flying over the town.
What animal-related incident were people interpreting as a bad omen about the wedding?
He knew it would make the Fleetwoods nervous since it’s widely believed that Billie Delia is the “fastest girl in town and is speeding up by the second”.
Why does K.D strategically reference the friendship of Billie Delia and Arnette?
They interpreted them to be a sign of death which could foreshadow death. Or they could be a sign of splitting or leaving. Which could foreshadow divorce or splitting.
Various people at the wedding were so concerned about the vultures seen flying to the north over the town. Why was this interpreted as a bad omen about the wedding? How might this foreshadow future events?
It could be about the Convent women who come from diverse backgrounds and have various histories. Similar to the feathers and how they are differently colored than any bird Soane has ever seen.
What could Soane’s dream be about?
The couple is not sincere with their love for each other. He needs a respectable wife in order to take up the role up he intends to play in Ruby.
Why is K.D and Arnette’s wedding a political rather than an earned marriage ceremony?
Through her somewhat typical method of unfurling information and now perspectives over the course of the novel.
How does Morrison develop Billie Delia’s character?
To Misner, it may symbolize the infinite love of God that is in humans and their actions. To Steward, he may think of how he has seen the cross used by whites who were racist to him; the cross is only worth as mucha as the person carrying it.
Richard Misner wordlessly holds up the cross during the marriage ceremony of K.D and Arnette. To him, what might the cross symbolize? How about to Steward?
She focused on the colors of the feathers when she should have been focused on their location. The feathers were in a sink; a place she never would have put them. Likewise she realized the Convent women do not belong in her house.
What does Soane realize at the wedding about her dream?

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