United Kingdom | Prophets | Israel | Judah | Facts & Details |
Saul, David, Solomon
The three kings of the United Kingdom
Who was the prophet fed by ravens?
There weren't any.
Name one of the good kings of Israel
Kings of Judah were compared to whom if they were really good?
Cupbearer or Wine Taster
What was Nehemiah’s job for the Persian king?
Which King was a man after God's own heart
He didn't. God took him in a chariot of fire and whirlwind.
How did Elijah die?
Ahab & Jezebel
Name the most wicked king of Israel & his wife.
Asa, Amaziah, Hezekiah, Uzziah, Jehoshaphat, Jotham, Joash, Josiah
Name the 8 good kings of Judah
Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem
What job was Nehemiah given to do to help the captives returning to Judah?
Samuel. Because they wanted to be like the other nations
Who did the Israelites tell they wanted a king and why?
Mt. Carmel.
Name the mountain where Elijah had the contest with the priests of Baal.
Who owned a vineyard Ahab wanted?
Hezekiah. Asked God to turn back time.
Who asked God to let him live longer and what sign did he request?
Correct order: Noah, Abraham, Moses, David
Put these 4 men in order: Moses, Noah, David, Abraham
Tore his coat into 12 pieces and gave Jeoboam 10 of them
What did the prophet Ahijah do to show the kingdom would be divided
Name the prophet who replaced Elijah?
Name the nation who took Israel into captivity.
Became king at age 8 and got rid of the idols and high places
40 Years
How long did Saul, David & Solomon each reign
Solomon married foreign wives who worshipped idols.
What were the unwise choices of Solomon?
Naaman. Wash 7 times in the Jordan River
Name the general healed of leprosy and how he was healed.
Jezebel came up with a plan to falsely accuse Naboth and have him killed.
How did Ahab get Naboth's vineyard?
Nation that took Judah captive
How many prophets of Baal did Jezebel have?