Stars/Planets | Books/Literature | Sports | Random Trivia | Disney Trivia |
What is 8 planets?
there are this many planets in our solar system.
What is "Charlotte's Web?"
This book contains a spider who wrote letters on their web in order to persuade the farmer to let the pig live.
What is 6?
Michael Jordan is known as the greatest player of all time. This is the amount of championships he won in his career.
Who is Woody?
This is the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story.
What is "Stitch?"
This was the character that Lilo adopted.
Hint: the answer is the title of the movie... |
What is white?
This is the color of the sun.
What is Harry Potter?
This book series is about a boy who learns that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards. He also becomes a student at Hogwarts.
What is ice hockey?
This is Canada's national sport.
What is a pail of water?
In the nursery rhyme, Jack and Jill, Jack and Jill go up the hill to fetch...
What is "No Worries?"
This is what "Hakuna Matata" means.
What is Mercury?
This is the smallest planet in our solar system.
What is moby dick?
This book is about a sailor that is hunting whales and meets a white whale.
What is football/soccer?
This sport is known as the 'king of sports.'
What is white?
These are the color of the stars in the American flag.
Who is tinkerbell?
In Peter Pan, this is the name of the fairy.
What is blue?
The hottest color star is...
What is "War and Peace?"
This book was published in 1867, and is about philosophy and history. It is also buy Leo Tolstoy and is 1,225 words.
What is a turkey?
When a bowler gets 3 strikes in a row, this is what it's called.
Who was William Shakespeare?
This person wrote the world famous play, Hamlet.
What is a chicken?
In Moana, this animal went on the boat with Moana on her adventure.
What is Sirius/Dog Star?
This is the brightest star in the night sky.
What is "Holes?"
This book summary is about a boy that goes to a camp to dig holes because of his "crime" of stealing shoes.
What is 18 inches?
Basketball rims/hoops is this many inches.
What is “In a while, crocodile?"
This is the response to “see you later, alligator?”
Who is Abu?
In Aladdin, this is the name of the monkey.