Orientation | Mindfulness | Crisis Survival skills | Reality Acceptance Skills | Radical Randomness |
What is a Diary Card
What we use to track target behaviors, moods and substance use
What are the States of Mind
Clean Mind, Clear Mind, Addict Mind are the three parts of this
What are TIP skills
These skills involved cold water, intense exercise and paced breathing
What is Radical Acceptance
Part of this skill is accepting all the way, complete and total
Who is Nana
This is the name of Wendy's dog in Peter Pan
What is Chain Analysis
A tool we use to understand our ineffective behaviors ("Oops! I did it.")
What are the What Skills
Observe, Describe, Participate are known as these skills
What is the STOP skill
DO NOT REACT! Take a step back. Notice what is going on inside you and act with awareness.
What is Mindfulness of Current Thoughts (using words and voice tone)
Saying a thought over and over, as fast as you can until it does not make sense is one option for this
What is Intense Exercise
This TIP skill is used to calm your body down when it is revved up by emotion
What is Dialectical Abstinence
The synthesis of Harm Reduction and Abstinence
What is Mindfulness
Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment, without judging or rejecting it, and without attachment to the moment is called this
What is Burning Bridges
A skill that involves acceptance that you will not use substances again and move toward cutting off all addictive options
What is Half Smile
Examples of this are Mona Lisa or Buddha
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
The acronym, DBTSUD, stands for this
What is Missing Links
A tool we use to understand how and why and effective behavior that is needed or expected did not occur ("Oops! I didn't do it.") is this
Non-judgementally, one-mindfully, effectively
These are called the The How Skills
What is Alternate Rebellion
Shave your head, wear unmatched shoes or have secret thoughts are examples of this skill
What is Willingness
Doing just what is needed in each situation, wholeheartedly, without dragging your feet
What is suffering
Pain + Non-acceptance =
What is Target Behavior
A behavior we are trying to decrease or increase on our Diary Cards is called this
What is Clean Mind
Thinking, "I don't really have an addiction problem anymore." is a behavior pattern characteristic of this
What is Soothing Through the Senses
Look at nature around you, turn on the radio, smell the roses, treat yourself to a dessert, pet your dog are examples of this
What is Turning the Mind
Choosing to accept is.....
Who is Marsha Linehan
This person wrote the book "Building a Life Worth Living"