True or False | Timeframes | Commands | Random |
We can dispute pending charges
What is 7-10 business days
What is the timeframe for a client to receive an acknowledgement letter stating that we initiated their dispute
What is WCSA
What screen shows posted transactions
We may incur a loss if a charge is not placed into dispute at time of call
What is 45 days (calendar)
How long does a merchant have to respond on a Mastercard?
What is WFRD
What screen shows authorizations (pending or charges that may have already posted)
We can never dispute a transaction past 120 days
What is 30 days (calendar)
How long does a merchant have to respond on a Visa card?
What is IXFR
What screen shows if a card has been reissued and what the new card number is
We must read the call monitoring disclosure for any customer that did not hear the recording through the IVR system or any person joining the call
What is 90 days
What is the longest amount of time that we must credit a client by if we are to accept the dispute
What is IAED
What screen shows notes that previous analysts have posted such as dispute matrix, call/dispute information
We will provide a temporary credit within 10 business days of the dispute
What is 540 days
No matter what, if a charge is past ___ days, we cannot accept the dispute. (Absolute max timeframe)
What is WADI
What screen shows all disputes that have been filed for a particular account and should be checked before you end the call