Theorists Assessments Models/Concepts Dispositional Overview and History Video Clips
Gordon Allport
Which psychologist was considered to be America’s first personality theorist and personologist?
Letters from Jenny
What is the name of the book written by Gordon Allport in which he examines personal letters that a woman sent to her son's two best friends?
Cardinal, Central and Secondary
What are the three levels of traits identified in Gordon Allport's Trait Theory?
True or False: One goal within dispositional psychology is to determine the reliability and validity of personality tests?
Of the four personality types defined in the dispositional model, most would say Dwight is “choleric”, meaning what?”
Henry Murray
What is the name of the theorist who believed there were 39 human needs?
How many personality traits were measured in Cattell's Personality Factors Test (PFT)?
According to Eysenck what is the personality type that is characterized by aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility?
Trait Theory, Type Theory, and Need Theory
What are the three theories within the dispositional model?
Raymond Cattell
In this clip, Michael displays a severe lack of emotional stability. This is one of the 16 major personality traits defined by which dispositional theorist?
Raymond Cattell
What is the name of the theorist who used factor analysis as a technique to examine multiple traits at one time?
The Study of Values Test
What is the name of the test created by Gordon Allport that measured a person's theoretical, economic, aesthetic, social, political, and religious values?
Alpha Press
The objective description of environmental circumstances is the definition of what type of Press?
Academics or Research.
What type of setting would you find a dispositional psychologist working in?
Gordon Allport
In this clip, Michael displays both a sense of pride and self-esteem, and a sense of self as a problem solver. These are 2 of the 7 phases of selfhood established by which theorist?
Hans Eysenck
What is the name of the type theorist who believed there were two major independent type dimensions; introversion-extroversion and stability-instability?
Thematic Apperception Test
What is the name of the test that is made up of 20 pictures of people in social situations and based on the assumption that an individual will unconsciously project onto the picture his/her own inner conflicts and issues?
What category of Cattell's 3 sources of data would academic grades be in?
Air, Earth, Fire and Water
According to the Theory of Four Temperaments, what are the four essential elements?
Henry Murray
In this clip, Michael displays succorance, the need to be nursed and cared for. Which theorist identified the basic needs of a human?
Gordon Allport and Raymond Cattell- Trait Theory
Hans Eysenck- Type Theory
Henry Murray- Need Theory
Identify each of the 4 dispositional theorists and the theories they researched
Psychoticism, Extroversion and Neuroticism
What do the letters "P-E-N" stand for in Eysenck's personality assessment tool known as the P-E-N Model?
Types, Traits, Habitual Responses, and Specific Responses
What are the four major levels of organization listed in Eysenck's Hierarchical Personality Type Model?
Personality surveys, interviews, questionnaires, diaries, letters, memoirs, self-report inventories, historical documents
List two forms of assessments used by dispositional theorists
Hans Eysenck
When considering the dimensions of Andy’s personality, a useful technique would be the PEN Model, which measures the degree of psychoticism, extroversion, and neuroticism. This model was created by which theorist?

Dispositional Model

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