Walt Disney | Walt Disney's Career | Disneyland | Iconic Disney Characters |
Lung Cancer
How did Walt die?
Mickey Mouse, Donal Duck, and Goofy
What characters did Walt make as an animator?
8 lands
How many different lands are there?
Who was the second Disney Princess?
What animal did Walt like to ride on as a kid?
Mickey Mouse
Who did Walt voice for?
July 17, 1955
When did Disneyland open?
Mary Costa
Who voiced Sleeping Beauty first?
December 5, 1901
When was Walt Disney born?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What was Disney's first film?
Sleeping Beauty
Who is the big, pink Disney castle made for?
What movie was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" made after?
Marceline, Missouri
Where did Walt move to when he was four?
Mickey Mouse
What did Walt earn an Academy Award for?
28,000 people
About how many people came to Disneyland on the opening day?
She is the main protagonist in the Fairies franchise
Why isn't Tinkerbell a Disney Princess?
Herbert, Raymond, Roy, and his sister's name was Ruth
What were Walt's three older brothers' names? What was his sister's name?
Margret Winkler
Who offered Walt a job making an Alice in Wonderland series?
Bear Country was renamed Critter Country
In 1998, which land was renamed?
When was Beauty and the Beast made?