God is One | 3-in-1 God | God the Father | God the Son | God the Holy Spirit |
What is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Who are the three Divine Persons in the Trinity?
What is God the Holy Spirit.
Of the three Divine Persons in the Trinity, which one gives us the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
What is Yahweh; Abba.
What is another word used for God the Father?
What is "God saves".
What does Jesus mean in Hebrew?
What is after Jesus' death and Resurrection.
The Holy Spirit was not fully revealed until after when?
What is the belief in one God.
What is monotheism?
What is God the Son.
Of the three Divine Persons in the Trinity, which one became incarnate?
What is God.
Who is the first person in the Trinity?
What is human.
Jesus is fully God and fully ______.
What is an advocate; Paraclete.
What is the word for someone who helps us, strengthens us, and empowers us for holiness?
What is the belief that God is Three Persons.
What is Trinitarianism?
What is Incarnate.
Another word for having become flesh.
What is "maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisibleā.
What do we say about God the Father in the Niceness Creed?
What is Mary and Joseph; God.
Jesus is the son of who?
What is to make his mission our mission, share God's love, and to preach the good news of Jesus Christ.
Why did Jesus send us the Holy Spirit?
What is polytheism.
What is the belief in many gods?
What is God the Father.
Of the three Divine Persons in the Trinity, which one draws us to follow Christ?
What is beatitude.
What is the state of eternal happiness with God in heaven?
What is the second coming of Jesus Christ for the judgment of the human race.
What is the Last Judgement or Final Judgement?
What is Penetecost.
When did the early followers of Jesus receive the Holy Spirit?
What is a covenant.
What is an agreement between God and his people called?
What is the Trinity.
The truth that God, although one, is three Divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Clue: symbol is a three leaf clover).
What is another word for a father-son relationship.
What does final mean?
What is Messiah.
What is the Hebrew word for "anointed one"?
What is wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Name the gifts of the Holy Spirit.