Text | Commands | Stage |
What is Slash key?
These are used to use bot commands
What is timeout
This command stops a user from sending messages and letting them join VC.
What is raise your hand?
This button allows you to be noticed during a stage
What are Asteriks?
These are used to Italizize your words
What is spoiler?
This command marks out your message, clicking on it will show the message to you
What is turn on your camera
This button is impossible to do
What is underscores?
These are how to underline your words
What is thread?
This command is how you can create secondary chats, but only accesible by sending a message in it
What is stage moderator?
These people have control over the stage
What is 3 Asteriks?
You need a certain amount of these to BOLD AND ITALIZIZE your text.
What is message?
This odd command allows you to "DM" a user
What is audience
These people are people who watch the stage
What are squiggly lines
These are used to cross out words in texts.
What is table flip?
This command adds a funny emoji to your message(It often deals with gamer rage.
What is speaker
These people are who are on stage