Math Functions | Calculation | Riddles | Power | Before or After |
What is counting?
The most basic function in mathematics (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...).
What is undefined, anything divided by zero is impossible to solve.
N/0 = ?
What is a newspaper?
I am black and white and read all over.
What is horsepower?
Typically referring to an engine's power, derived from how many animals could pull it to that speed.
What is Before?
Jesus Christ: Before or After the American Revolution?
What is addition or a sum?
When two values are put together to form a bigger value.
What is 1?
9,876,543,210^0= ?
What is a sponge?
I am filled with holes but can hold water all day.
What is firepower?
Generally referred to as an army's full arsenal, when brought to bear.
What is After?
Machine Guns: Before or After the Industrial Revolution?
What is subtraction or a difference?
When one value is taken from another value.
What is 27?
3^3 = ?
What is a palm?
I am a tree you can fit in your hand.
What is thermal power?
Any type of power derived from heat is called this.
What is Before?
Brain Surgery: Before or After the Realization the Brain Runs Everything
What is multiplication or an exponent?
When values are boosted by a certain factor.
What is 5,000,000,000,000?
5 x 1,000,000,000,000 = ?
What is a a mushroom?
This kind of room has no windows, doors, or ceilings.
What is power metal?
Bands like Slayer, Iron Maiden, and Sabaton.
What is After?
Birds: Before or After the Dinosaurs?
What is division?
When a value is sliced into pieces, using a denominator and a numerator.
What is neither, they are the same weight.
Which weighs more, a thousand pounds of lead or a thousand pounds of feathers?
What are scales?
I am worn by fish, snakes, and lizards, but I provide no protection at all.
What is a power plant?
Not a tree or a bush, but it provides power.
What is After?
Swords: Before or After Axes