Earthquake Engineering Hurricanes and Tsunamis Oil Spills Flooding and Water Resources Engineering Fire Safety
What is (flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes)?
Name three natural disasters that engineers have to keep in mind when designing buildings, roads, etc.
What are Katrina and Patricia?
These are two hurricanes that happened recently.
What is BP or British Petroleum?
Name the company that had a major oil spill in 2010.
What is a flood warning?
This type of alert means a flood is happening and you should move to higher ground.
What are (cooking, heating, electrical, candles, smoking materials, automobiles)?
Name two things that start fires.
What is an earthquake?
This is the shaking and trembling that results from movement of rock/tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface.
What are stilts?
This is what is added to a house to prevent the house from flooding during hurricanes.
What are (animals, ecosystem, environment, people)?
Name three things affected by oil spills.
What are (river, coastal, storm surge, and inland)?
Name two out of four types of floods.
What are fuel, oxygen, and a heat source?
Name three things that fires need to start.
What is the Richter scale?
This scale is based on the size of the earthquake's seismic waves.
What are a hurricane, tsunami, and typhoon?
Name three types of tropical storms that are actually the same type of storm but are just named differently based on where they occur.
What are (bread, soap, newspaper, kitty litter, paper towels)?
Name three of the materials we used to clean up our oil spills during the activity.
What are (a body of water overflowing and accumulation of rainwater on saturated ground)?
Name one of the two ways flooding can occur.
What are (sprinklers, fire extinguishers, fire blanket)?
Name two things that stop fires.
What is divergent?
This type of tectonic plate movement is when two plates move away from each other.
What is 10 to 20 feet?
This is the height range for stilts.
What are (geotechnical, environmental, and water resources)?
Name two out of the three types of engineers who work with oil spills.
What is a water resources engineer?
This type of engineer works with water treatment facilities, makes sure there is clean water for consumption, and develops methods to prepare for floods.
What are (items with flame resistant materials, automatic doors, smoke alarms)?
Name something that prevents or contains fires.
What is steel?
This is what engineers add to buildings to make buildings stronger in tension.
What are (warm ocean waters, winds coming together, humid air rising, light winds outside the hurricane)?
Name three things that a hurricane needs to form.
What are containment and skimming, and sorbents.
Name two ways that engineers clean up oil spills.
What is 100 year flood?
This terms means there is a 1% chance annually that flooding will occur in that area or floodplain.
What is a fire protection engineer?
This type of engineer conducts fire risk analyses and conducts forensic fire scene analyses.

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