Models of Disability | Disability Scenarios | Stereotypes of Disability and Discrimination | Intersectionality | Disability language |
What is the Medical Model of Disability?
The disability model that sees disability as a restriction, impairment, and abnormality that should be fixed/remediated
What is the Medical Model of Disability?
A friend expresses to you that they feel like all they have ever wanted is to be "normal," but their disability prevents them from passing as neurotypical. What disability model does this best represent?
What is ableism?
A set of practices and beliefs that assign inferior value (worth) to people who have developmental, emotional, physical or psychiatric disabilities
What is minority stress?
The phenomenon that people belonging to multiple minority groups often feel social pressure to choose one identity that they identify most with
What is person-first language?
This type of language puts the person before the disability
What is the Charity/Tragedy Model of Disability?
The disability model that views people with a disability as pitiable and needing help from non-disabled individuals
What is the Religious Model of Disability?
A family prays for their daughter every night that her disability will be healed by God. What model of disability does this best represent?
What is the supercrip stereotype?
The stereotype in movies and other media forms in which people with disabilities overcome their disability and inspire non-disabled people as a result
What is BIPOC?
An acronym referring to black, indigenous, and people of color
What is disability/identity first language?
This type of language puts the disability before the person
What is the Social Model of Disability?
The disability model that sees disability as "a consequence of environmental, social and attitudinal barriers that prevent people with impairments from maximum participation in society
What is the Economic Model of Disability?
A person with a disability is fired from their job due to not being able to work as fast as other employees because of their disability. What model of disability does this best represent?
What is inspiration porn?
When people with disabilities are objectified in a way that "inspires" and/or makes non-disabled people feel better about themselves
What is intersectionality?
The acknowledgement that everyone has their own unique experiences of discrimination and oppression, and we must consider everything and anything that marginalize people- gender, race, class, sexual orientation, physical ability, etc.
What is wheelchair bound/bound to a wheelchair?
The phrase that connotates that using a wheelchair is a negative thing one is "restrained in" for the rest of their life
What is the Economic Model of Disability?
The model of disability that sees one's worth in their ability to work and be a contributing member of society
What is the Charity/Tragedy Model of Disability?
A wheelchair user is approached while rolling themselves into the store and is asked if they need any help from a man who appears to be able-bodied. The wheelchair user is confused because they are not visibly struggling to get into the store, and a power door button is available. What model of disability would this best represent?
What is disability stigma?
This has been seen throughout history in which people think that disability is a character flaw that shouldn't be talked about
What is a domino effect?
1 in 4 black individuals have a disability as compared to 1 in 5 white individuals, 1 in 10 Asian individuals, etc. Black individuals are also more likely to be obese and or smoke. As seen in these examples, being a black individual can cause what kind of effect on black people's lives?
What is a euphemism?
Something used to replace a word that is seen as too blunt or harsh such as handicapable, differently abled, etc.
What is the Religious Model of Disability?
The disability model that sees disability as a punishment on an individual/family by an outside force such as God, evil spirits, etc.
What is the Social Model of Disability?
A person with a disability expresses that they feel less disabled when they are able to participate in recreational activities they enjoy such as adaptive skiing. What model of disability does this best represent?
What is the evil avenger stereotype?
The stereotype in movies and other media forms where the person with the disability is resentful towards their life, and therefore tries to get back at the world through crime, violence, etc.
What is 50%?
In the United States, what percentage of people killed by law enforcement are disabled?
What is special needs?
The disability euphemism that says that the needs of disabled people are drastically different than the needs of non-disabled people