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What is the keyboard command for Copy?
Kiddle or Kidrex
What is one kid safe search engine?
In your documents folder!
Where should you always save your Gravit work?
Google Classroom under the Digital Skills tab
Where would you go to find your assignment for this class?
A shape that shows the cardinal directions - North, South, East and West.
What is a compass rose?
What is the keyboard command for Paste?
None of Molly's private information is given away in this username.
What is the safer username for 9 year old Molly McMichaels to use online - mollymcmichaels2011, molly8000, iheartminecraft27?
The outline
What part of a shape is the border?
Go to insert, then image or press the tiny image button (it looks like 2 mountains in a frame)
How would you add an image to a Google Slide?
A table that explains the symbols used on the map.
What is a map key?
What is the keyboard command for Save?
Cyberbullying is the use of digital-communication tools (such as the Internet and cell phones) to make another person feel angry, sad, or scared, usually again and again.
Examples of cyberbullying include sending hurtful texts or instant messages, posting embarrassing photos or video on social media, and spreading mean rumors online or with cell phones.
What is a cyberbully?
Moving around nodes and curving your object.
What is the subselect tool for?
What button in Google Slides would you press to send your slides to your teacher?
Is bull kelp edible?
What is the keyboard command for the Pen Tool in Gravit Designer?
No, we can never be sure who we are meeting online and we should always protect ourselves by keeping our private information (including our identity) private
Is it safe to share a photo of yourself with a friend you met online?
Picks up a colour from one object so you can use it to colour another.
What does the eye dropper tool do?
What is Ms. Ashton's email address?
Yes, but only if they are cooked. Raw camas is toxic!
Is Camas edible?
What is the keyboard command for the Sub Select tool in Gravit Designer?
True or false:
Everything I post online becomes "public knowledge" and stays online forever... even if I think I deleted it! |
Press and hold the spacebar and drag with the left mouse button.
How do you move your view (or Pan) side to side in Gravit?
What is the keyboard command to print a Google Doc?
Yes, according to BC government:
In British Columbia, Garry oak is not grown for timber production; in fact, it is considered an endangered species as it grows mainly on private lands which are being developed for urban dwellings.
Is the Garry Oak Tree an endangered species?