Film | Characteristic curve | Digital characteristics | Digital terms | Hodge Podge |
What is the main advantage of film as a detector?
What is spatial resolution?
What is the shoulder or Dmax?
What is the the area of the curve called that represents overexposure?
What is a pixel?
A matrix of two d squares that comprise a digital image
What is spatial resolution
the ability to accurately image small structures
What is contrast resolution?
what feature of the digital image improves as bit depth increases
What is a glass plate?
What was the first detector that Roenten used to record an image?
What is the straight line portion?.
What is the area that represents correct exposure?
What is a matrix?
Rows and columns of pixels are called
What is dynamic range?
the term that refers to the great number of grey shades that a digital detector can record
What is large storage or long transmission time?
What is a disadvantage of having a large bit depth?
What is light from intensifying screens?
What caused the film to acquire density?
What is the toe?
What is the area that represents underexposure?
What is a histogram?
graphical representation of the grey scale of digital image
What is great contrast resolution?
a major advantage of digital imaging
What is DQE?
Refers to the systems ability to convert x-rays into a radiographic image.
What is mammography?
What was the last modality to abandon film?
What is film contrast?
What does the steepness of the curve represent?
What is bit depth?
controls the number of density or brightness values an image is capable of displaying
What is poor spatial resolution?
limitation of most digital systems
What is dose or exposure creep?
The term for the tendency of dose to increase with the use of digital imaging
What is 100 years?
How many years was film used as the main recording device for x-ray images?
What is wide exposure latitude?
What advantage does a curve with a flatter slope have?
What is pixel size
controls the spatial resolution of the image
What is binary?
the number system used in digital imaging
What is the exposure index?
A vendor specific number that measures the IR exposure and indirectly patient exposure?