Photoshop | Principles of Art | Elements of Art | Composition | Potpourri |
DPI is an abbreviation for
What is Rhythm?
This refers to the suggestion of motion
What is Line?
This is the path of a point moving through space
What is Framing?
Focusing on a subject by using the environment/obstacles to block out unwanted aspects of a picture.
What is abstract art?
Artistic work that is based on real people, places and things but do not look like real people, places and things. This style emphasizes colors. lines, geometric shapes and forms.
What are photoshop layers?
These are separate and isolated elements within a PSD image.
What is Pattern?
This refers to repetition of a design element, which establishes a visual beat
What is Texture?
This refers to the tactile qualities of a surface (actual or to the visual representation of such surface qualities (implied)
What are Leading Lines?
Lines in a picture that direct the eye to something, or out of the picture entirely.
What is Who are folk artists?
People who create art using styles that have been handed down through generations. Artists that create using things from nature.
What is Saturation?)
What are photoshop layers?
What is Balance?
This gives the impressions of equilibrium often referred to as symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial
What are Colors?
These all come from the three primaries and black and white. They have three properties- Hue, value and intensity.
What is the Rule of Thirds?
Principle that states that the natural focal points in a picture fall on the intersections of lines in an imaginary 3X3 grid.
What is tint?
The use of white to lighten a color.
What is the Stamp Tool?)
This is a tool that allows you to duplicate part of an image
What is Unity?
This is achieved when the components of a work of are harmonious
What is Value?
This refers to relative lightness and darkness and is perceived in terms of varying levels of contrast.
What is Viewpoint?
This is more than just shooting from eye level, consider photographing from high above, down at ground level, from the side, from the back, from a long way away, from very close up, and so on.
What is a brushstroke?
The application of paint with a paintbrush.
What is the Magic Wand Tool?
This tool looks for pixels and tone that are similar to your image
What is Emphasis?
Refers to the created center of interest, the place in an artwork where your eye first lands.
What is Shape?
This implies spatial form and is usually perceived as two-dimensional. Form has depth, length, and width and resides in space. It is perceived as three-dimensional.
What is Cropping?
Eliminating the background "noise", ensuring the subject gets the viewer's undivided attention.
Who was Claude Monet?
This Artist was known as the Master of Light.