True or Fals | Trusted Adult | If You're Being Cyberbullied? | Information to Share online | Vocabulary |
True or False: People must be honest about who they are online?
What is one example of a trusted adult?
1.Police Office
2.Teacher 3.Parent/ Guardian 4.Shopkeeper/staff/worker |
If you are being cyberbullied should you have your friend be mean to the bully?
What information should you not share online? (Need 3 answers)
1. Full name
2. Address 3. Phone number 4. School information 5. Pictures of your family and friends |
What does cyberbullying mean?
The act of bullying someone through electronic devices
True or False: All information on the internet is true?
What is one example of a trusted adult?
1.Police Office
2.Teacher 3.Parent/ Guardian 4.Shopkeeper/staff/worker |
If you are being cyberbullied, do you have to delete your account on the site/app?
What are some ways people may try to trick you into doing something unsafe? (Need 2 answers)
1. Giving compliments
2. Making threats 3. Making great promises 4. Acting very understanding of your situation |
What does nettiquette mean?
To not be rude or mean online
True or False: All information in books is true?
What is one example of a trusted adult?
1.Police Office
2.Teacher 3.Parent/ Guardian 4.Shopkeeper/staff/worker |
If you are being cyberbullied, should you report the bully and tell a trusted adult what is happening?
You should never meet face to face with anyone from the .........?
What is a bystander?
A person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part.
True or False: Getting a picture removed from one website/game/app means that it is removed from all other website/game/apps?
What is one example of a trusted adult?
1.Police Office
2.Teacher 3.Parent/ Guardian 4.Shopkeeper/staff/worker |
If you are being cyberbullied, should you save pictures of the chats that show bullying?
What type of things can be taken off of website/game app by the Safety Team? (Need 2 answers)
1. A picture being used to threaten someone
2. Dangerous words or pictures 3. Picture showing private parts |
What is bullying?
Repeatedly and intentionally picking on someone.
True or False: Livestreaming videos cannot be saved or recorded?
What are 4 examples of a trusted adult
1.Police Office
2.Teacher 3.Parent/ Guardian 4.Shopkeeper/staff/worker |
What should you do if you are being cyberbullied? (Need at least 3 answers)
1.Tell a trusted adult
2.Report the bully to the site or app 3.Ignore the bully 4. Save pictures of the chats that show bullying |
What is something that you can share online?
1. Pictures of food
2. Favorite foods, colors and games 3. Sports teams you play on |
What is indirect bullying?
Bullying does behind someone's back.