Digestive Organs | Acids and Enzymes | Animal Digestion | Excretive Organs | Miscellaneous |
What is the esophagus?
This is muscular tube that connects the mouth to the sac.
What is Cellulase?
The enzyme allows cows to digest grass.
What is Phagocytosis?
An Amoeba uses this process in order to get food and nutrients.
What is the Kidney?
This organ perform the essential function of removing waste products from the blood and regulating the water fluid levels.
What is the Nephron?
This is the functional unit of the kidney.
What is the pancreas?
This is where insulin is created, which is then secreted into the bloodstream.
What is Leptin?
This is an appetite suppressant.
What is Cud?
When a cow eats, it regurgitates its food to form this.
What is the Bladder?
This organ is a hollow and muscular chamber that can collect and store urine.
What is Lactose Intolerance?
This condition, the inability to digest a sugar found in milk, is the primary cause of inflammatory bowel disease, which occurs in the colon and small intestine.
What is the liver?
This is where nutrients are absorbed from the small intestine and is considered the body's "chemical factory"
What is Ghrelin?
This is an appetite stimulant.
What is the Cecum?
Microbes are housed in this part of the bird's digestive system.
What are the Renal Artery and Renal Vein?
These are the two veins that are in the kidney where blood enters and exits.
What is Renin?
This is the enzyme secreted by and stored in the kidneys that promotes the production of the protein angiotensin and that is released into the bloodstream.
What are the villi?
These structures increase the surface area in the small intestines in order to help the absorption of nutrients.
What is Pepsin?
This enzyme denatures proteins in the stomach.
What is Keratin?
A bird's teeth are made out of this protein.
What is the Renal Cortex?
This is where urine forms in the outermost layer of each kidney.
What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease?
This is the name of the condition where the sphincters do not work properly and stomach juice and contents splash up to the esophagus. A common symptom of this condition is heartburn.
What are the sphincters?
These are smooth ringed muscles that pace digestion.
What is Lysozyme?
This enzyme not only breaks down food, but it also acts as a non specific defender against bacteria and viruses.
What is the Gastro-Vascular Cavity?
This is the Cnidarian's version of a stomach.
What is the Loop of Henle?
This create a concentration gradient in the medulla of the kidney (in other words, is to reabsorb water and important nutrients in the filtrate).
What is the Abomasum?
This is the 4th and final stomach in a cow and where rennin, used in cheese creation, is secreted.