Favourite things to do | Hookups | People we love | Things that have happened at 539 |
Night recap/debrief
This involves sitting in a room and talking for two hours. It happens in the morning after we did stupid shit
This is the fellow brother of a man with a big neck and a terrible ego. One of our fellow sisters was heard moaning from his major D laying bare pipe.
A professor of psychology that Abbey and Julia love.
A professor of psychology that Abbey and Julia love.
Abbey put a. bag on the floor. Julia was not happy
What did abbey and Julia fight over in the living room?
This activity takes place usually in the morning, and it involves leaving the house. We are usually in a bad mood.
This was a one time hookup for a fellow different styll member. He did not perform well. This hookup caused some worries between a member of 593 and a member of 309 huron.
An individual that comes around here sometimes. He can be formally known as a kind of bag of chips
Mirror and paintings
What went missing the night of abbeys party (2 things)
legendary raps
This involves an activity where we love to create something, laugh about it for 3 hours, and from time to time appreciate our creation
Alek Lalovick
This fella is not one that has come around this house more than once. Abbey was afraid she had gotten chlamydia from him, but never got tested for it so we will never know. He is tall and has a weird last name.
This person is a London local. He gives bigs hugs.
This night, abbey and alisha were very scared. an individual showed up here and was threatening to be on the roof.
Oneida weed store
We would do this activity quite a bit in the summer. Its a bit far away. The people here are pretty challlll. Kinda sketch tho.
King Arsalan
This is someone Alisha is not happy about getting with. He is not one we see often, but often enough. He is odd, but nice I guess
Bobby Bobby Bobby
We met this individual somewhere not in London. He was younger than us. Abbey and him connected
box of pasta
What did abbey leave on the stairs the night that Brendan sutton was here the night the intruder was here
Watch tiktok
This is an activity all of us do often, but usually separately, sometimes together though. It's very fun. It gets you in a trance and we love to talk about things involved in this activity.
JACK the ripper
This is someone Abbey has made out with and was very very upset and distraught about it. He bought her a beer and she had no one to save her. He looks like he is 12 years old. Who was this scummy individual?
This individual plays in a show. He is very funny and we refer to him often.
Who was the individual who fell in our kitchen, while his friend laid in alishas bed rolling around like an idiot