Whiskey Tango Foxtrot | Instruments | SOP- ATP- Regulations | Performance | SYSTEMS |
What is 6hrs
What is the maximum amount of flight time you can log (in one day) when flying a mixture Day/NVG?
What is...100ft ceiling and 1/4 visibility
What are your Takeoff minimums if you have not logged 50hrs of actual IMC time as a PIC
What is The Company Commander
Who is the ATP commander as per the Commanders Guide?
what is +5 Degress C in Temp change
weight change +/-500lbs Change in PA of 1000ft Change in ETF of 0.5
When must a PPC be recomputed
#1 and #2 Hyraulic pump. #1 Resovoir Low, #1 Tail rotor servo, Apu Accumulator low.
What are the 5 lights that bring on the back up pump.
What is 48hrs
As a FAC 1 Aviator, what are your semi annual flight hour requirements?
What is..Visual contact with the approach lighting, Runway threshold lighting, Runway Identifier markers or the Runway Environment for the runway you are cleared to.
What is required for you to continue below an MDA/DA on an instrument approach?
What is The Pilot in Command.
What duty position, functions as the units Primary Trainer?
What is Prior to every mission.
When do you have to have a PPC
with the engine driven fuel pumps operational the fuel system is negatively charged. When they are inop, then the system is driven off the submerged boost pumps and is positively charged.
With the engine driven pumps operational, isthe fuel system positive or negatively pressurized? When is it reversed?
By SOP, where should the ventilator be located in a UH60L?
There is an Approved DOD IAP at the locations colored in Blue, where as there is not one at the ones colored in green.
What is the difference between an airport colored blue and an airport colored green on an IFR ELA chart?
What is survival kits and Life rafts sufficient for all personel on board
What is the minimum equipment required for flights made over water greater than 30mins or more than 100 miles from shore?
What is Chapter 5 of the -10
Where is the Height Velocity Diagram located.
What is a 100kts
At what airspeed does the cambered fairing fully offload the tailrotor?
What is 5,000lbs.
The tie down fittings located on the floor of the UH60L are rated for how much weight?
What is 1,000ft clearance with in 25 or 30 miles of a VOR Facility.
What obstacle and obstruction clearance does an MSA priovide for you and where?
What is every 10 iterations and at a height of 350ft and with a 250-600pd weight.
At what interval must the hoist be reseated? From what height and with what weight?
With in 3000lbs of Max Allowable GWT OGE to land or take off.
When must TAB Data be utilized?
What is 866 +/- 6
When does TGT limiting occur dual engine?
What is somatagyral illusions
The leans, Graveyard, and coriolis are examples of this type of illusion?
What is Day/Night 5mi vis and 1,000 above 1000 below 1sm horrizontal.
What are Cloud Clearance requirements in Class G airspace at 10,001 ft MSL?
What are the mandatory requirements for evaluation on a crewmwbers APART. What are minimum tasks required during RL progression.
What does an "S", "I", or NG symbol mean mean in the crewmwber base task list. What do the "X" mean.
if you exceed GO/NO go torque indicated before reaching hover height (10Ft) then your Go/No go torque is structurally limited.
How do you determine if Go/No go torque is structural or enviromental
NG signal to the cockpit.
If you loose an Alternator Winding, what signal to the cockpit is also lost.