HR Integration | Finance Integration | PC Refresh | Data Center Migration | Harleysville Insurance History |
What is Ultipro?
The hosted HR solution Harleysville used before the merger which Arne described as "a high science experiment gone wrong."
what ldfkj skjf kjh
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What is Litigation?
The first department to be migrated to Nationwide HP laptops.
What is the PM, ITDE and BDE Troika?
Jill Marras, Jim Gay, Sean Domineske.
sldkfjhg lskjdfh gkjsh dflkh
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What is the PeopleSoft version xx servers failed?
The event which triggered the Harleysville final...
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dkjhf slkjdh lkjsfdhglkjsh
dfkjhg lkjsh fdkjh
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What is the 31?
The number of training room PC's to be migrated as a part of the PC Refresh program.
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dfkjg lskjdhf lgkjhs ldkfjh
what is
the lsdkjs;alkj
what is ;lfdk glksj kfj lksjh lk
dfkjg lskjdfh glkjsh flkjhsfdkgj hskdjgh k
lkdjh lkjhslkjdfh glkjh
dfkjh lksjdhf lkgh lksjfd h
What is the BDE?
Sean Domineske
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kdjfh slkfdj
what is kfdjsldkj
what is dfk lkldkfjh lkj dflkjh lkjh
slkfjh lkjfd lkjsdf lgkjh slkdjfh glksjhd flk
kdjfh lg kjhslkdjfhg l
sdlkjg lkjh
What is none? (We bought a Kuerig!)
The number of Dunkin' Donuts "Box of Joe's" consumed over the mainframe migration weekend.
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lskdjgh lskjgh
what is fng ksjdg kjsfd gkjshdf gl
fdkjh sldfkjg lksjdhg lksjhdf glkjhsfd glkjsh dflkgjhs lkjdgh
what is l dflkjh glkjhs dflkjgh lkj
sdlkjg lskjdfh glk jhs dlfkjg lkjsh dlkfgh l
ldkfjh lskjdfh glkjshd fkjh
dlkjgh slkdfjh
lkdfjh slkjfdhg lkjh lkj
ldkfjg lksjh lkjgh slkjh
kfjh lksjgh
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