Pure Psychology Animal Biopsychology Human Biopsychology Ethical and Practical Applications Miscellaneous
C. Young age of patient
Which of the following is not an indicator of patients with MDD in need of highly specialized care?
A. Prior job loss
B. Childhood trauma
C. Young age of patient
D. Psychosocial impairment
D. All the above
What does immobility in rodent models of depression suggest ?
A. That they are depressed
B. Failure of persistence
C. Passive behavior
D. All the above
B. 66%
What was the mean MADRS score percentage drop before infusion compared to 1 day?
A. 36%
B. 66%
C. 72%
D. 54%
Do more of them, in more diverse patient populations. Each of the many variables that might affect safety and efficacy of such a regimen, dose, routes, and predictive factors would require separate exploration.
What is one way to mitigate the problem of low external validity with randomized controlled trials?
A. yes
Do you like our game of jeopardy?
A. Yes
B. No
B. Researchers went through databases to compile results from prior studies and found common factors
How was the data obtained for this study?
A. An experiment was conducted with voluntary participants diagnosed with MDD to determine the most common factors seen between them
B. Researchers went through databases to compile results from prior studies and found common factors
C. The authors selected the indicators based on the frequently occurring factors correlated with depression seen in their prior research.
D. None of the above
Do you believe we have made a lot of progress in terms of treatment for depression? What steps still need to be taken in order to combat depression ?
D. Intravenous
How was ketamine given to the participants?
A. Transnasally
B. Orally
C. Inhaled
D. Intravenous
D. all of the above
Which of the following is not a primary challenge in off-label drug treatment?
A. drug's efficacy
B. dosing
C. side-effects
D. all of the above
a single, slow, intravenous dose given over about 40 min produces a rapid decrease in depressive symptoms lasting from a few hours to 14 days. Other treatments for suicidal thoughts and depression often take weeks or even months to take effect, and some people need to try several medications or approaches to gain relief.
How does ketamine differ from other depression treatments?
doesn’t touch on if this highly specialized care works for meeting patients’ needs based on these indicators or not, they just determine if someone has the indicators
What is one limitation of this study?
C. Lateral habenula
The dysfunction of this part of the brain is linked to the development of mental health disorders?
A. Cerebellum
B. Medulla
C. Lateral habenula
D. Amygdala
A. Blurred Vision
Which of the following was a side effect reported by the participants?
A. Blurred Vision
B. Increased Heart Rate
C. Decreased Oxygen Saturation
D. Fainting
A. Internal: external
Randomized controlled trials have high _______ validity but a low _______ validity
A. Internal: external
B. External: internal
scale for depression
What is the MADRS?
C. Determine the indicators of patients with MDD in need of kinds of highly specialized care
What was the goal of the study?
A. Determine the level of MDD for the patients who volunteered in the study
B. Determine the social, behavioral, and neurobiological factors that result in a patient having major depressive depression and/or generalized anxiety disorder
C. Determine the indicators of patients with MDD in need of kinds of highly specialized care
D. Determine the symptoms of patients with MDD in need of kinds of highly specialized careC. Determine the indicators of patients with MDD in need of kinds of highly specialized care
Encode negative motivational values associated with primary punishment in humans and primates
What is the lateral habenula responsible for ?
sample small & locally done
What are two limitations of the study?
B. inventiveness
Which of the following is not a primary ethical concern?
A. Misuse
B. inventiveness,
C. clearly identified need
D. safety
Patient testimony is not considered in the indicators.
What is the primary difference between using MADRS and the indicators determined in this article to determine the treatment level of a patient with MDD?
several different answers, but depression severity, social comorbidity, and level of education are three possible choices
Name three indicators of MDD in need of highly specialized care that are mentioned in this article
A. Lateral habenula bursting activity
Which seems to be the common finding in rodent models of depression and humans with depression ?
A. Lateral habenula bursting activity
B. Chronic mild stress
C. Fluctuations in weight
D. all of the above
Does this dosage (0.5 mg/kg) of ketamine increase or decrease serotonin? Why?
the dose and frequency of use (tachyphylaxis). Tolerance develops rapidly to ketamine. Frequent recreational users will compensate for this tolerance by increasing the dose used over time, such that doses of several grams per day (rather than milligrams) are consumed, generally snorted similar to cocaine. By contrast, medical use in depression would generally be a single 35 mg dose (for an average-weight adult) given intravenously, which could be repeated at the same dose days or weeks later.
What is a key difference in clinical as opposed to recreational use of ketamine?
Do you believe ketamine to be a great antidepressant for humans based on our studies ? Why or why not?


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