Social Science | Math | Language Arts | Medical | Miscellaneous |
What is 4
How many U.S. presidents have been assassinated?
What is 10
What does the Roman numeral “X” equal?
What is boy's
What is the singular possessive form of "boy"?
What is brain
What organ is inflamed when one has encephalitis?
Who is Ms. Killeen
Which AP deals with students S-Z?
What is 116
How many years did the 100 years war last?
What is 6
What is the smallest perfect number?
What is "E"
What is the most common letter in the English language?
What is four
How many times a day must you take medication if your prescription reads "q.i.d."?
Who is Amy Carlson
Who is the guidance counselor for students with a 504?
What is 1963
In which year was John F. Kennedy assassinated?
What is Hypotenuse
What is the name for the longest side of a right triangle?
What is pangram
A sentence containing every letter in the alphabet is called a
What is Ibuprofen
Brufen, Advil, Motrin and Nurofen are different brand names for which drug?
What is Exceptional Student Education
What does ESE stand for?
What is The Korean War
Which war took place between 1950 and 1953?
What is 100
How many zeros are in a googol?
What is foul-smelling
If something is described as "noisome", what characteristic does it have?
What is pulmonary embolism
A blockage in an artery of the lung is called a
What is the wing
What do we call the out-of-view area on a stage that is on the sides of the acting area?
What is Small Pox
In the 5,000 years of human history, what is the one disease that has been completely eradicated?
What is 20
How many equal sides do Icosahedrons have?
What is Go.
What is the shortest complete sentence in the English language? (hint: only consists of one word)
What is reduce temperature or fever
Drugs called antipyretic have what effect on the body?
What is The Globe Theatre
Which theatre in London was built in 1599 and mostly associated with William Shakespeare?