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Star and Emma
Who are the main characters
Jason and Devon
Who are the main villains
Is Winter in this book
Who is the villain
What is
Where does Akeysha come from?
Is Winter in this book
What's the title of the book
In a forest / cave
Where does Star hide after Ava kills Emma?
ends up attacking her by throwing a fireball at her.
What does Star do to Emma once she returns to school
What is
What are the brothers' names at the end of the book when it shows her second life?
A fox and Wolf Fur suit/costume.
What did Clinton and Carl wear to spy on Star and Emma
15 and 14
How old are Emma and Star in this book?
Ava used a spell
How did Emma die?
Dreams / or mention of Emma hearing her voice while at school.
How does Kirlia try and talk to Emma.
A hellhound and black lab.
What is Akeysha's dog?
When Emma explained she only wanted to protect Star
What won over Clinton and Carl
haha fire make beans go brrrrrrrrrr
How did the book end? What happened to Jason and Devon?
Star crashed into him.
How did Winter and Star meet?
Running away and using a spell
how does Emma try and stop kirlia alone?
What injuries came out of the big fight between everyone and Akeysha
Haha something about being stabbed.
What is the storyline to book 1
Cierra Maddie Cassie and Ava
What was the whole friend group and who left at the end?
Winter and Emma kill her with a spell.
What happens to Ava
“Oh what a funny thing destiny and fate are~”
What does Kirlia say when she was killed.
“H-heya there. You’re the new kid, right? Akeysha?” Emma said starting up a completely normal conversation.
“Heya Kirlia.” She says looking back at her notes not batting an eyelash. Chills run up Emma's spine and she stares at her. Or just mention of her calling her Kirlia would work.
What are the first words said between Emma and Akeysha