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What is Suffrage
The right to vote.
What is 14th Amendment
Citizenship, due process, equal protection.
What is De Jure Segregation
Segregation by law.
What is Naturalization
The legal process by which citizens of one country become citizens of another.
What is The Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10)
An Amendment that serves as a civil liberty.
What is Affirmative Action
A policy that requires most employers take positive steps to remedy the effects of past discrimination.
What is 19th Amendment
Women’s suffrage.
What is De Facto Segregation
Segregation that continues today, even if no law requires it.
What is Jus Soli
The “law of the soil;” citizenship is granted to people born in U.S. territory.
What is Human
The largest race by population in the United States.
What is Due Process
The government must act fairly and in accord with established rules in all that it does.
What is 13th Amendment
Abolition of slavery.
What is Indian Citizenship Act
This law granted Native Americans citizenship, including the right to vote.
What is Jus Sanguinis
The “law of blood;” citizenship is granted to people who have at least one parent who is an American citizen.
What is Judicial Review
The power of a court to determine the constitutionality of a governmental action.
What is Indictment
A formal complaint before a grand jury which charges the accused with one or more crimes.
What is 15th Amendment
No denial of vote because of race, color, or previous enslavement.
What is Voting Rights Act
This law protected the right of minority voters by outlawing the use of unfair voting requirements in all elections.
What is Obey the law, serve as a juror, pay taxes
When it comes to public service and civic duty, one example of a legal obligation.
What is Two-thirds, three-fourths
A formal amendment must be approved by ____ of votes in Congress and ____ of votes in state legislatures.
What is Gerrymandering
The drawing of electoral district lines to the advantage of a party or group.
What is 26th Amendment
Voting age of 18.
What is Civil Rights Act of 1968
This law outlawed discrimination in housing.
What is Voting, being informed on civic issues, donating to political campaigns, protesting & petitioning
When it comes to public service and civic duty, one example of civic-mindedness.
What is Eligibility, Supporting Documents, Form N-400, Biometrics Appointment, Naturalization Interview, Oath of Allegiance
All six steps in the naturalization process.