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What is 1st Amendment
Freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly.
What is 2nd Amendment
Right for states to maintain a militia and for individuals to bear firearms.
What is Women’s Suffrage
The 19th Amendment granted this right.
What is Citizen
A member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to it by birth or naturalization and is entitled full civil rights.
What is 60%
To pass the American Civics Test, a noncitizen must achieve this score.
What is 3rd Amendment
Right that prevents the quartering of soldiers in private homes.
What is 5th Amendment
Can only be tried for a crime if indicted; cannot be subjected to double jeopardy; protection against self-incrimination; due process of law; eminent domain.
What is 14th Amendment
This amendment granted birthright citizenship and equal protection under the law.
What is Alien
Foreign-born resident or noncitizen.
What is Due Process
The principle that the government must act fairly and in accord with established rules in all that it does.
What is 4th Amendment
Right against unreasonable searches and seizures.
What is 8th Amendment
Right against excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment.
What is Voting Rights Act
This 1965 law protected the right of minority voters by outlawing the use of unfair voting requirements.
What is Deportation
A legal process in which aliens are legally required to leave the country.
What is Indictment
A formal complaint before a grand jury which charges the accused with one or more crimes.
What is 7th Amendment
Right to a trial by jury in a civil case (no criminal charges).
What is 6th Amendment
Right to a speedy and public trial with an impartial jury.
What is Affirmative Action
A policy that requires most employers to take positive action to remedy the effects of past discrimination.
What is Naturalization
The legal process by which citizens of one country become citizens of another.
What is Gerrymandering
The drawing of electoral district lines to the advantage of a party or group.
What is 10th Amendment
Powers not granted to the U.S. by the Constitution are given to the states and to the people.
What is 9th Amendment
The civil rights and liberties listed in the Constitution do not limit other natural rights held by the people.
What is De Jure Segregation
The Jim Crow laws were an example of this type of segregation.
What is Jus Sanguinis
Gaining citizenship because one of your parents is a U.S. citizen is an example of this.
What is Two-Thirds, Three-Fourths
In the formal amendment process, a proposed amendment must be approved by this amount of all votes in each house of Congress and ratified by this amount of state legislatures.