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What is the Tangent?
This trigonometric function is defined as the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the adjacent side.
What is 5 feet?
According to famed scientists two bros, this is the minimum distance required to remain heterosexual.
What is Ramadan
This Islamic holiday lasts for a whole month, and requires most practitioners to fast from sunrise to sunset.
What is France?
This country's 1791 Constitution had the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen as it's preamble.
Who is Cookie Monster
"Me want Cookie"
What is a Series?
A Taylor "this" allows you to represent sin(x) as an infinite sum.
Who is Jared?
This 19-year old boy was never taught how to read.
What is Hanukkah?
This Jewish Holiday celebrates the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the Maccabean Revolt.
What is the Constitution of Medina?
This Constitution is often cited as the first constitution ever created, and allowed Muhammad to secure peace between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
Who is Benjamin Franklin
"Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
What is a Mole?
This unit of measurement, often used for atoms, is made up of 6.02214078×10^23 things, also known as Avogadro's number.
What is a graph?
Nickelback would really like me to look at this. What am I, an economist?
What is La Chasse-Galerie?
This piece of Quebec folklore, set during the holidays, follows Coureurs des Bois as they attempt to use a flying canoe to visit their friends and family for New Year's Eve.
What is the Notwithstanding Clause?
This clause in the Canadian Constitution permits legislatures to bypass Section 2 or sections 7 through 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights.
Who is Margaret Thatcher
"In politics, If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman."
Who is Leonhard Euler?
This 18th century swiss mathematician made contributions to almost all of mathematics' biggest fields. I'd rate him a 2.71828183 out of 2.71828183.
What is fuck you?
Brendan's response when asked to didgeridon't.
What is Kwanzaa
This African-American celebration was created in 1966 by Maulana Karenga, initially as an alternative to Christmas.
What is Iran?
This country’s 1979 constitution forbids amendments altering its official ideology or religion.
Who is Maya Angelou
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
What is a Schwarzschild black hole?
This type of singularity, or black hole, is defined as one that has neither angular momentum, nor electric charge.
What are haters?
The use of two plastic spoons pressed on one's eyes was discovered to be an effective tool to block out these harmful things.
What are Orthodox Christians
Christians of this denomination begin their year 14 days later than the Gregorian calendar.
What is the 14th Amendment?
This amendment to the United States Constitution would form the basis for the landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade.
Who is Jaime Lannister
"There are no men like me, only me"

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