Identification | Give an extended definition of the following word. | Random |
Unlike behavior, how one expresses their attitude through external actions, attitude is a person's inner thoughts and feelings.
Attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that resides in or characterizes a person, or their attitude is their attempt to something, or perspective.Unlike behavior, how one expresses their attitude through external actions, attitude is a person's inner thoughts and feelings.
An outlier is a person who is different from others and situated away from. They are different in comparison to the circumstances they are situated in. They either stick out in a positive or negative way depending on either the things they were born with, the opportunities they were given, or the actions they pursue. Birth orders, for example, can play a part in determining outliers. People born in certain months are more likely to succeed in life than those born at any other time during the year. Also, people given advantages, such as Bill Gates, tend to succeed more due to these opportunities giving the upper hand.
Describe, Analyze, Give Examples, Compare/Contrast
What are the four things to help write/identify an extended definition?
Some examples of discipline are making your bed, practicing gratitude, revisiting your goals every day, and meditation/prayer.
Discipline consists of the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. It is internal. Discipline is not obedience to someone else’s standards to avoid punishment. It is learning and applying intentional standards to achieve meaningful objectives. Discipline is a choice. Some examples of discipline are making your bed, practicing gratitude, revisiting your goals every day, and meditation/prayer.
Love is an intense feeling of deep affection towards someone or something. It can also be a great pleasure or interest in something. It is a range of positive emotional ties while, in comparison, hate is an intense dislike towards someone or something. Love can be used towards any object, any action, and any person. For example, a person can love the sport they play, the pet they own, or their significant other.
An extended definition assigns the word to a specific category, gives characteristics, and other additional information to help the reader better understand and visualize it.
How is an extended definition different than a regular definition?
Love is a positive feeling, whereas hate is a negative one.
Hate means to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward or detest. Hate implies an emotional aversion often coupled with enmity or malice. Love is a positive feeling, whereas hate is a negative one.
Friendship is a state of acquaintance between 2 or more people characterized by a powerful bond of shared concern, love, trust, and care. When regarding true friendship, the bond is mutually shared. This is, if either one of two friends is involved in a difficulty, such as problems with failing courses at school, problems with parents at home, or even problems of a much more serious nature, the other friend will provide help, encouragement, concern, and perhaps even direct intervention. When looking at regular relationships that are forced like work relations, one can clearly distinguish the 2 bonds, coworkers vs best friends. The Coworkers relationship is strictly work, with nothing being genuine besides work. While a friendship is voluntarily love, trust, compassion, and loyalty. For example, a true friendship is Abraham and Lot in the bible. Abraham reminds us of loyalty and going above and beyond for friends.
An extended definition can convey useful information, showing that you understand the meaning of the term. In some cases, you may just be entertaining your reader. However, for its purpose, you must think about why the reader wants to know more about the term and consider what they may already define the term as.
How does an extended definition affect the purpose and audience?