Rounding to the Hundredths and Expanded Notation Multiplying Decimals Comparing and Ordering Decimals Dividing Decimals Adding and Subtracting Decimals
( 1 x 10 ) + ( 4 x 1 ) + ( 5 x 0.1) + ( 6 x 0.01 ) + ( 9 x 0.001)
What is 14.569 in expanded notation ?
$ 103.50
A large pizza costs $ 17.25. How much will 6 pizzas cost ?
407.09 > 47.9
Use the symbols < > or = to compare the decimals.

407.09 47.9
2.05 inches
A rope was 14.35 inches long. Megan cut the rope into 7 pieces of equal length. What was the length of each rope in inches ?
What is 1.3 tons.
A construction company bought 0.4 tons of gravel and 0.9 tons of sand. How many tons of material did the company buy in all?
What is 40.25 rounded to the nearest tenth ?
1.8 ounces
Devon bought a package of 3 chocolate cookies. Each cookie weighed 0.6 ounces. How much did the 3 cookies weigh all together ?
Sixty hundredths
What is the value of the 6 in 0.762 ?
0.96 pounds
A dozen bricks weighs 11.52 pounds all together. Each dictionary has the same weight. In pounds, how much does one dictionary weigh?
What is $ 13.50
You spend $6.50 on a pair of gloves. You now have $7.00. How much money did you have originally?
( 2 x 100 ) + ( 5 x 10 ) + ( 4 x 1) + ( 7 x 0.1 ) + ( 5 x 0.01)
What is 254. 75 in expanded notation ?
What is 105.3 pounds
Alyssa's cat weighs 23.4 pounds. Matt's cat weighs 4.5 times more than Alyssa's cat. What does Matt's cat weigh in pounds?
6.19 < 6.2
Manny's cat weighs 6.19 kilograms. A neighborhood cat weighs 6.2 kilograms. Write a comparison for the two weights ?
$ 7.4
Anthony has a goal of saving $ 96.20 . He will save the same amount each week for 13 weeks. How much will Anthony need to save each week in order to meet his goal ?
What is $46.27
Ms. Tulips bought $56.12 worth of groceries. However, she had coupons worth $9.85. How much did
Ms. Tulips spend for the groceries?
What is 745.823 rounded to the nearest hundredth ?
What is $ 11.76
Ben bought 12 goldfish. Each goldfish cost $ 0.98. How much did Ben spend ?
8.75 kilograms
Simon picked peaches in an orchard. He picked more than 8.5 kilograms but less than 9 kilograms of peaches. Which could be the exact number of kilograms of peaches he picked ?

9.25 8.45 8.75 8.25
0.72 pounds
Sixteen dictionaries weigh 11.52 pounds all together. Each dictionary has the same weight. In pounds, how much does dictionary weigh?
What is 0.99 ounces.
Eli bought 8.87 ounces of chocolate. 7.88 ounces of it was milk chocolate and the rest was dark chocolate. How much dark chocolate did Eli buy?
1. 800
What is 1. 795 rounded to the nearest hundredth ?
Henrietta bought 23.6 pounds of apples for
the apple festival. Each pound cost $1.45. How
much did Henrietta spend in total on the

A truck weighs more than 5.25 tons. Which could be the weight of his truck in tons?

5.5 5.2 5.155 4.95
5.29 kilograms
A cafeteria used 47.61 kilograms of beans to make 9 batches of chili. What quantity of beans went into each one ?
What is 1.42 minutes
A band can play as much as 8 minutes of music in a competition. If the band plays a 2.33 minute song
and a 4.25 minute song, how many minutes does it have left?

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