STDs Contraceptives HIV Facts Condom Knowledge FINAL JEOPARDY
6-12 months
If you are sexually active, you should get tested for STD's and HIV every ___ to ___ months
CONDOMS!!!! (male and female)
Which method of contraception is also effective in preventing STD's and HIV?
Blood, semen, vaginal fluids, breastmilk
What are the four body fluids that can transmit HIV?
Pockets and cars
What two places should condoms NOT be stored for a long time?
THREE!!!! GIRLS HAVE THREE HOLES! The urethra (for pee), the vagina (for sex/periods/babies), and the anus (poop)
How many "holes" does a female have as part of her genitalia/"privates"?
Cervical cancer (there is a vaccine for this)
HPV is a common STD. It can cause what kind of cancer in females?
Planned parenthood, drugstore, tapestry, doctor's office
Name 3 places you can obtain emergency contraception.
Kissing, mutual masturbation, hugging, sharing cups/utensils/gum/brushes, toilet seats
List 4 behaviors that DO NOT put you at risk for HIV?
Water based is the BEST! Oil based is the worst. Do NOT use vaseline.
What is the best kind of lubricant? What is the worst?
NO!!!! Mountain Dew does not kill sperm! Do NOT use this is a form of birth control.
Is Mountain Dew an effective form of birth control?
Herpes, HIV, Hepatitis B
Name 3 viral STD's that cannot be cured.
Within 3 days; up to 5 days with the prescribed type
Within how many days should someone take emergency contraceptive after unprotected sex?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome
What do HIV/AIDS stand for?
You should always use a LATEX condom. If you are allergic, you can use a POLYURETHANE one.
You should always use a ___ condom. If you are allergic, you can use a ____ one.
Pull out method, spermicide, sponge, condoms
What are the least effective forms of birth control?
You should get tested for STD's and HIV within ___ to ___ weeks after unprotected sex.
IUD (Intrauterine Device): Mirena and Paraguard
Which contraceptive device is inserted directly into the cervix?
White blood cells fight off infection. When you get HIV, you start to lose white blood cells.
What do white blood cells do? What happens to them if you get HIV?
After ejaculation but before penis goes soft
When do you remove a used condom from the penis?
Infertility, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease
What could happen if you do not get a viral STI treated?
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis
If detected and treated in time, what 4 STD's can be treated with antibiotics?
IUD, Depo shot, Implant
List the 3 most effective forms of birth control.
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. You have HIV first. HIV has to potential to eventually turn into AIDS.
Describe the way HIV and AIDS are related
Increase stamina (last longer)
Condoms do what for males sexual stamina?
At birth there's 1 million eggs. 300,000 by the end of puberty. Only 300-400 will be ovulated during the reproductive lifetime.
When do eggs develop in the female? About how many eggs does a female have?

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