Computer and Policy Acronyms Voc/Work Body Systems Adjudicative Process
What is AS400?
This computer system was created in the stone age and is used to help you manage your caseload.
What is an AMS?
Physicians, psychiatrists or APNPs may be considered this.
What are exertional limitations?
Sitting, Standing, walking, lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling
What is Digestive System
IBD/IBS falls under this body system.
What is Step 3?
The claimant is found to be disabled using the medical listings at this step of Sequential Evaluation
What is DMA Viewer?
This system allows examiners to view evidence electronically
What is SGA?
If a claimant is engaging in this, they will not qualify for disability benefits.
What is a person of advanced age?
Age 55 or older
What is audiogram?
A claimant reports trouble hearing a conversation. This test should be ordered in order to establish an MDI.
What is Title II?
This type of claim has a 5 month waiting period if the claimant is not blind
What is POMS?
The main source for policy references for Social Security
What is MDI?
You need one of these to complete Step two of Sequential Evaluation
What is limited education
7th through 11th grade
What is Mental 12.00?
A claimant goes to the doctor and says he/she is experiencing hallucinations, disorganized thinking and is catatonic. The claimant would be evaluated under these Listings.
What is Step 3?
An examiner is most likely to consult with an MC/PC at this step.
What is DIB?
This type of claim requires someone to have paid into Social Security over a period of time in order to be eligible for benefits
What is FO?
The location a claimant can go to file a disability application in person
What are the RFC clasifications
Sedentary, Light, Medium, Heavy, and Very Heavy
What is March 27, 2017?
On this date, APNP, Podiatrists, Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologist were considered Acceptable Medical Sources.
What is Presumptive Disability?
This allows a claimant to receive benefits prior to a decision being completed on a T16 claim.
What is Medical Source Opinion?
Claimant's treating provider gives limitations for claimant of lifting no more than 20 lbs occasionally and that he is unable to work.
What is TERI Cases
These types of cases can be expedited.
What is PRW?
Two of the three qualifications of this indicate that it must be within the last 15 years, must have been held long enough to have learned it.
What is a mental impairment, specifically Intellectual Disability?
A claimant is administered an IQ test revealing a Full Scale IQ below 70, assisting in establishing this type of MDI.
What is Age, Education, RFC?
You need to know these three things to complete step 5 of Sequential Evaluation.

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