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What is a brief confidential online Vitality questionnaire.
Vitality Health Review
What is an online management tool to choose the healthy activities in which you want to engage and complete.
Points Planner
What is an exciting game of chance! In our hectic, modern lives, many of us focus so heavily on work and commitments that we never seem to have time for fun.
Vitality Squares
What is a monthly Vitality webcast with specialized health related topics.
Health FYI
What is the personal profile on the Challenge platform.
Social Profile
What is tool to help you organize your vision and help you focus on forming or maintaining healthy habits.
What is an online tracker of points earned.
Points Statement
What are bucks redeemable on the Vitality Rewards page. 1 buck earned for every 1 Vitality point earned.
Vitality Bucks
What is 6 educational nutrition courses to help you begin and maintain a healthy diet and practice healthy eating every day.
Nutrition Courses
What are friendly competitions to increase activity, awareness, and camaraderie.
What is a biometric assessment that helps identify which areas of your health are strongest and which may need some work, as well as your risk for any potential health problems like diabetes or heart disease.
Vitality Check
What is educational nutrition courses to help you begin and maintain a healthy diet and practice healthy eating every day.
Online Education
What is a popular brand of fitness devices compatible with Vitality.
What is an online review that helps you assess and manage your emotional health and mental well-being.
Mental Well Being Reviews
What is 4 or more employees at one campus location or groups of campuses in one region.
What is information and suggestions for ways to manage your overall health based on the Vitality Health Review (VHR).
Health Results
What are preventive exams and screenings.
What is reward offered by Delta which is a discount on insurance premiums.
Wellness Credit
What is an online review that assesses your current physical activity levels.
Physical Activity Review
What is the section on the social profile dedicated to your personal story about your personal pathway.
My Story
What is a health risk-related age based on lifestyle behaviors and clinical measures noted in the Vitality Health Review (VHR).
Vitality Age
What is Vitality HealthyFood program - a partnership program designed to reward you for making healthy choices when purchasing food.
Healthy Food
What is points and rewards earned from playing Vitality Squares.
What is a guide to help you learn more about Vitality and its many elements and offerings.
Guide to Vitality
What is a competition to achieve the highest average number of workouts in the challenge period.
Workout Challenge