HIPPA | Eligibility | Enrollment | Education | Effective Dates |
What is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act?
What does HIPAA stand for?
What is aged, blind, and disabled?
Population to be eligible for Hoosier Care Connect
What is True?
The goal of the HR is to provide un-biased information
What is preventative care?
Developmental Assessments fall into the category of this type of service
What is Annual Enrollment?
The period of time given to current members to change their plan for their next year of coverage
What is Protected Health Information?
Eligibility Status is considered
What is Hoosier Healthwise?
Program that covers children up to 19, pregnant women, and
What is 14 days?
Choice period for Hoosier Healthwise Members
What is the education question?
Have you had the opportunity to speak to our representatives about your program and benefits?
What is Open Enrollment?
The period of time given to a newly eligible member to make their initial health plan selection
What is Personally Identifiable Information?
Social Security Number would be considered this when referring to HIPAA
What is CHIP?
Hoosier Healthwise Plan that requires a monthly premium
What is 60 days?
Choice period for Hoosier Care Connect Members
What is package E?
Package that undocumented persons may qualify for
What is January 1st – April 1st?
Member’s Anthem plan start date is January 1st
Open Enrollment Period would be |
What is The office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP)?
Covered entity that is subject to the rules and regulations of the HIPAA organization
What is Hoosier Care Connect?
Ward and Foster Children can be covered under this program
What is outreach/auto dialer?
Ensures that Hoosier Care Connect members are not auto-assigned?
What is a self-referral?
Covered services that do not require approval or referral from the PMP
What is March 2nd – May 31st?
Member’s Care Source plan end date is May 31st
Annual Enrollment Period would be |
What are Penalties?
Failure to comply with privacy and security policies and procedures results in this
What is CHINS?
Population for aid category MA-4
What is auto-assigned?
The member is automatically assigned to a plan because they did not make a selection
What is Member Education?
Provided for ALL situations involving new or redetermined members, potential members and applicants.
What is the 1st or 15th of the month?
New Hoosier Care Connect health plan assignments will always be effective on