Em | Dashes |
Everyone at the party -- except Ellie -- was dancing.
Double tap a en dash
How do you type an em dash on a keyboard?
em and en
The workbook pages -- 78-98 -- were too hard for Val.
The length of an "m"
How wide is an em dash?
Nobody expected the girl to be able to dance -- she was spectacular.
En dashes are used to show a range of time or numbers, and em dashes are used in place of commas, colons, and semicolons.
What is the difference between en and em dashes?
The stone read 1978-2023.
Length of an "n"
How wide is an en dash?
"Open your books and read pages 123-131," Mr. Bob said.
It will make your writing choppy
Why don't you want to use a lot of dashes in your writing?