Byzantium | Islam | Barbarians | Medieval Religion | Important People |
What was Constantinople ?
Established by the Emperor Constantine, this city was once the capital of the Byzantine Empire.
Who was the Prophet Mohammed ?
He was the founder of the religion of Islam.
Who was Attila the Hun?
King of the Huns, he once ruled an empire that stretched from the steppes of Asia to Central Europe.
What is the Great Schism ?
This event in 1054 marked the official break between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.
Who was the Emperor Justinian ?
The greatest of the Byzantine Emperors, he was also famous for codifying Roman law.
What is 'Greek Fire' ?
The form of liquid fire was a secret weapon of the Byzantine navy.
Who was Abu Bakr ?
Mohammed's father-in-law, according to most Sunni Muslims he was the legitimate spiritual heir to the Prophet.
Who were the Ostrogoths ?
The eastern branch of the Goths, they invaded Italy and sacked Rome.
What is the 'Hajj' ?
This is the religious obligation of all Muslims to make at least one pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once in their life.
Who was King Otto the Great ?
This German King established the so-called "Holy Roman Empire."
What is mosaic art ?
This was the most characteristic form of Byzantine art.
Who was Khalid ibn-al Walid ?
He was the brilliant Arab general who led the armies of Islam after the death of the Prophet Mohammed.
Who was King Charles "The Hammer" Martel ?
Victory in 721 AD at the Battle of Tours by this Frankish King, helped preserve the Christian character of western Europe.
What is Christianity ?
Generally speaking, violence decreased and social order increased whenever people in western Europe adopted this religion.
Who was King Clovis ?
The conversion of this King of the Franks in 496 AD to Christianity, led to the conversion of the entire Frankish nation to the new religion as well.
What is the Hagia Sophia ?
Once known as the 'Church of Divine Wisdom,' today this monumental building is a Mosque.
What is the concept of 'Zero' ?
Originally a Hindu concept, this mathematical idea was adopted by the Arabs and transmitted to the west during the Golden Age of Islam.
Who were Hengist and Horsa ?
According to legend, these two brothers were the first Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain.
Who were the Vikings ?
The northern European barbarian raiders were the last 'Pagan' or non-Christian people in western Europe.
Who is Ali ?
The cousin of the Prophet Mohammed, the Shi'ite minority of Muslims regard his as the legitimate spiritual heir of the Prophet.
What is Istanbul ?
After the Ottoman conquest, the name of the city of Constantinople was changed to this.
Who are the Arabs, Persians and Turks ?
During the middle ages, these three nations were the principal centers of power in Islam.
Who was Charlemagne ?
He was the greatest Frankish King and the first man crowned as Roman Emperor for nearly 300 years after the fall of the western Empire.
What is 'Iconclasm' ?
The act of destroying religious images and statues based on the idea that it is wrong to express the idea of god in art.
Who was King Arthur ?
Leader of the Celtic resistance against the invading Anglo-Saxons, this legendary British King may have been based on an actual British king or war leader.