3 Little Letters | Calves | Breed Associations | Genetics & Pregnancy | Dairy International |
Food & Agriculture Organization
Which group of animals is most efficient at converting nutrients into growth?
Red & White Dairy Cattle Association
In regards to dairy cattle associations, what do the initials RWDCA stand for?
25% of the variation in this trait is attributed to the cows genetics
If a trait has an heritability of 0.25, what does this mean?
The Shanghai Dairy group includes how many cows on multiple farms in eastern China?
Somatic Cell Count
T or F: Heifer calves should triple their birth-weight by weaning?
Holstein Association USA
The RWDCA will begin working with what association to complete registrations for Red & White Cattle?
Today's dairy cows are capable of making much more milk than they did decades ago due to improved nutrition and what other major factor?
In 2008, Chinese companies were found to have sold tainted dairy products that had what added to them that sickened many infants and killed 6?
Progressive Genetics Herd
In the winter, the water that is given to calves should be warm or cold?
What dairy breed lays claim to having the highest % of A2 cows( those testing positive for Producing milk with the A2 form of Beta-casein?
The greatest advances that we have seen in dairy cow genetics came from what technology?
Gen-Com Holsteins
(Based in Canada)
Which farm received the most nominations in the 2012 Holstein All-American contest?
Breed Age Average
What term describes the act of taking a young animal off of milk as the main source of nutrition?
Holstein Association USA
For which Breed association is John Meyer the CEO of?
Time from conception to calving
In dairy cows, what does gestation mean?
Turkey or Mexico
Bred heifer imports fell in 2012. Name 1 of the 2 countries that accounted for the majority of this drop?
Intra-Mammary Infection
Some producers are offering what fruit as an economical source of potassium to give calves a real boost?
American Milking Shorthorn Society
Which dairy breed association is known by the letters AMSS?
Preganancy Associated Glycoproteins
What does PAG stand for in regards to pregnancy?
What country is known as the soybean giant and produces the largest volume of milk in South America?