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National Hockey League
What does the NHL stand for?
What poisoned item did the evil witch give Snow White?
In the original Jackson family line up, how many brothers were there?
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the U.S. declared war on which country?
The Aloha state is what state?
In tennis, what is the name for 0 points?
Bruce Wayne
What is Batman's real name?
Marilyn Monroe
To which family blond actress was Playwright Arthur Miller married?
Where did Fidel Castro lead a communist revolution?
Pacific Ocean
What body of water is off the California coast?
How many players are there on a soccer team?
What is the name of the prehistoric town in which The Flintstones live?
Robert de Niro
In the 1974 film The Godfather II, who played the part of Vito Corleone as a young man?
Agent Orange
What was the name of the dioxin-containing defoliant that was used during the Vietnam War by the US army?
What is the world's smallest continent?
Swimming, Track, Hockey, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, etc.
Name 4 sports that don't use balls.
Zig Zag
Charlie Brown has what design on his sweater?
What did Elvis Presley name the mansion where he died?
Dallas, TX
Where was John F. Kennedy assassinated on November 22, 1963?
Mississippi River
What is the United State's longest river?
What was the first sport that women were invited to participate in, in 1900?
What is the name of the metal that can deprive Superman of his powers?
Richard Burton
Which actor did Elizabeth Taylor marry twice?
The Dust Bowl devastated Midwest farmers in what decade?
Mount Everest is located in which mountain range?