Life in Athens | Crete | Daedalus and Icarus |
What was Daedalus known for?
His inventions
What is the name of the highly respected king?
King Minos
Why did King Minos imprison Daedalus and his son?
He was furious that Daedalus helped Theseus escape
What was the name of Daedalus's nephew?
What was king Minos's wife's name?
How did Daedalus and Icarus escape from the labyrinth?
Wings that Daedalus created.
Why did Daedalus kill his nephew?
He was jealous of his talent
Why did the king have Daedalus build the Labyrinth?
To keep the Minotaur hidden
What are the wings made from?
The feathers of birds surrounding the labyrinth and wax.
Why did he leave Athens?
He felt guilty for killing his nephew
How many young men and women did the king send to the labyrinth to be sacrificed?
Seven young men and women
What was the warning Daedalus gave to Icarus?
Don't fly too close to the sun the wax will melt.
What god/Goddess respected Daedalus?
Who killed the Minotaur?
What was the result of Icarus not listening to his father?
His death