US History | Summer Fun | Dad “Da Coach” | Potter! | Let’s Go Brandon |
What is Donald Trump?
The 45th President
What is Daytona Beach?
We haven’t been there since 2019.
What is the Dragons
The team lucky enough to hear his shortest postgame talk, “You suck; fix it!”
Who is Hedwig?
His owl.
Who is Kamala Harris?
She’s Joe Biden’s running mate.
What is World War II?
The US, along with the help of its allies, ended this conflict in 1945.
Who is Matthew and Zachary?
The members of the top seed in bocci ball.
What is basketball?
The sport he coached the most.
Who is Mad Eye Moody?
Harry wasn’t sure what this guy was drinking, but he was sure it wasn’t Pumpkin juice.
What is zero?
The number of trips Joe Biden has taken to the southern border.
Who is John F. Kennedy?
He was the first Catholic elected President.
What is Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure?
The last ride we went on at Universal.
What is St. Joe’s?
The school where he first coached.
What is the whomping Willow?
This tree likes to pick off birds, shake off all its leaves at once, and will go after anyone who comes near it.
What is Ukraine?
His son, Hunter, sat on the Board of Directors of an energy company in this country, though he has no experience in the field.
What is South Carolina?
The first state to secede from the Union, starting a trend of other southern states seceding.
What is The Mummy?
Sadly, it was closed.
What is the Scrappers?
The team he first helped coach in Downers Grove.
What is the fifth?
The number of the floor where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets can be found.
What is 87,000?
With Joe Biden’s latest bill passed by Democratic cronies in Congress, we can expect these many new IRS agents to be hired.
What is Oklahoma?
The last state of the mainland that joined the union.
What is Mythos?
Stephen, and in fact all of us, ate octopus there.
Who is John Wander?
He helped Dad draft his first and only DGYB team.
Who is Aunt Marge?
She floats away.
Who is Jim?
Joe Biden’s brother who’s made millions off of Joe’s name.