Social Media Safety Rules of Thumb Cyberbullying Online Consent What should you do?
What you see often times does not accurately reflect the real world.
Name one main downside to social media sites?
1. Use a screen name different from your real name 2. Avoid posting things that reveal where you are (name of school, team practice, home address).
When using chatrooms, name one way you can you protect your identify online.
Yes, New York State Senate passed legislation (S.7740) that clarifies and expands the 2010 Dignity for All Students Act, an anti-bullying law that first created guidelines for local school districts to develop policies and procedures to address the problem of bullying.
Does New York have a state law against cyberbullying?
Where both (or all) partners are able to openly talk about and agree on what kind of activity they want to engage in. Whether it’s holding hands, kissing, touching, intercourse, or anything else, all should be comfortable with what’s happening.
What is consent?
Report to the Cybertip Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
If you receive a misleading, or confusing URL that took you to a site with bad material, or was requested to send personal information from someone you met online?
On average, how many social media accounts do people usually have?
End the conversation immediately.
What should you do if someone sends you a message that makes you feel uncomfortable?
A person who humiliates or harasses classmates through postings on blogs, website guest books, personal messenger, text messages... Etc.
Who is a cyberbully?
Yes. You must get permission from someone in order to post a picture of them online.
Does Mary need permission from Sally to post a picture of her on Facebook?
Contact the site administrator and seek local help from Family Services, Inc.
If someone creates a social networking site in your name.
Someone who creates a false identify online.
What is catfishing?
They could do a reverse look up and find your address.
Why should you never give an online acquaintance your phone number?
Girls are twice as likely as boys to be cyberbullied? True or False?
Ask: “Can I [fill in the blank]?” or “Do you want me to do [fill in the blank]?” And listen for the answer. It’s also important to pay attention to their body language and tone.
How do you ask for consent before posting something online?
File a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at or call the FTC Identity Theft Hotline at 1-877-438-4338
When you go to apply for a drivers license and find out one already has been issued to someone else using their name and SIN?
Never: Divulge your last name, reveal your address, disclose your personal phone number, tell username/password
What are two rules for people who blog, use chat rooms or send emails to online acquaintances?
No. You should only give out your passwords to your parents.
Is it okay to share your password with a best friend or significant other?
Recurring cruel comments on social media sites; Embarrassing images posted to Instagram and forwarded via cellphone; Threatening or harassing texts received at all hours of the day and night.
Name two examples of cyberbullying behavior.
1. Declaring "In A Relationship" on Facebook 2. Posting an intimate photo 3. Sharing a previous post 4. Sharing personal information
Name three examples of online PDA?
Be extra careful. This person is specifically seeking out ways to talk to you in private. It’s okay to end a conversation or block a user that makes you feel uncomfortable.
When a new acquaintance asks you to, "go private" or "find me on KIK/Skype."
1. Tell an adult/someone you trust where you are going and when you will return 2. Meet in a public space 3. Meet during the day 4. Bring a friend or parent, never go alone
Name the rules for meeting an online acquaintance.
Keep social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram private. Do not give out your email, address, phone number, full name, school, to anyone online.
Name three ways to keep your personal information safe.
1. Not respond. 2. Screenshot the conversation 3. Block the person 4. Report it to the police or school administration 5. Report to the website/app
If a cyberbully sends you a serious threat, what should you do?
Yes. Consent can change from minute to minute. Keep the lines of communication open about how you want to display your affection online.
Is consent an ongoing dialogue?
Delete the message. Viruses can be attached to the message to gain access to your private information or shut down your computer.
You receive a chain message that tells you to pass it on to 10 of your closest friends.

Cyber Safety

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