Credits | General Course Attributes | More Course Attributes | Course Attributes Continued | Grading |
What is "maximum credits?"
The highest number of credits for which a student can enroll for a given course.
What is the "subject?"
What is "instructional format?"
Laboratory Discussion Recitation |
What is "interaction mode?"
Synchronous |
What is "forgiveness allowed?"
Under this condition, students may repeat courses and have the grades from their original attempts removed from their GPA calculations.
What is a "credit unit?"
Quarter Trimester Clock Hour |
What is the "course description?"
A brief narrative stating the educational objectives of a course. May also specify pre and co-requisites.
What is "self-paced?"
When the student is allowed to determine when he/she begins instruction and how quickly he/she progresses through the course material.
What is "structured pace?"
When the instructor determines the speed at which students are expected to master the learning outcomes of a given course.
What is "credit/no credit?"
When students can take a course for credit without affecting their GPAs.
What is "variable credit?"
1-6 credits
4-12 credits 3-9 credits |
What is the "abbreviated title?"
What is "delivery method?"
Online Hybrid |
What is "in-person?"
When instructors and students meet for classes in the same physical space at the same day and time.
What is "replace grade use policy?"
Best Grade
Average Grade Last Grade |
What are "other credit types?"
Financial Aid
Remedial Billing |
What is the "course number?"
201 100A 100B |
What are "competencies?"
1. Reading with critical comprehension.
2. Writing clearly and coherently. 3. Demonstrating literacy as appropriate within the discipline. |
What is "allowed locations?"
For a multi-site or multi-campus institution, this indicates where a course may be offered.
What is the "grading basis?"
Letter: A-F
Numeric: 70-100 Unsatisfactory/Satisfactory Pass/Fail |
What are "contact hours?"
These are derived from the number of credits for which a course is offered and the class meeting pattern.
What is the "title?"
Management of Engineering and Technology
What are "learning outcomes?"
03.0 Demonstrate proficiency in servicing steering, suspension and wheel systems.
04.0 Demonstrate proficiency in servicing automotive brake systems. 05.0 Demonstrate proficiency in servicing cooling, air conditioning and heating services. |
What is "availability?"
Closed Hold Canceled |
What is "repeat earns credit?"
When students enroll in this course for additional attempts, all grades and credits are used in cumulative GPA and credits calculations.