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What is Current Event
An ongoing development in local, national, or world affairs.
What is Folk News
A town crier is an example of this type of news during Medieval times.
What is Bias by Labeling
Labeling either conservative or liberal politicians as extreme.
What is Article
A story based on the facts.
What is Democrats & Republicans
The two major political parties in the United States.
What is Journalist
A person who writes articles for a news organization.
What is Print News
Pamphlets are a modern example of this type of news.
What is Bias by Placement
Placing news stories to downplay information supportive of either conservative or liberal perspectives.
What is Headline
Title of any newspaper article.
What is Andrew Jackson
The donkey mascot for the Democratic Party originated with this president.
What is Media
All the means of mass communication (newspapers, TV, radio, websites, magazines).
What is Broadcast News
This type of news is the most widespread form of news today.
What is Bias by Selection of Sources
Including more sources that support one view over another.
What is The Press
All the media and agencies that print, broadcast, or gather and transmit news.
What is Panama Papers
The biggest leak of international corruption in the history of journalism.
What is Slander
A false report aimed at injuring the reputation of a person.
What is Radio, TV, Internet
Three examples of broadcast news today.
What is Bias by Omission
Leaving one side out of an article.
What is Credible
Believable and trustworthy.
What is Telegraph
A form of broadcast news from the 19th century.
What is Objective
Based on facts and not affected by personal feelings or prejudice.
What is Government
One of the main responsibilities of the news media is to hold this institution accountable for its actions.
What is Bias by Spin
When the story has only one interpretation of an event or policy.
What is Subjective
Based on personal feelings.
What is Clinton/Sanders (D), Trump/Cruz/Kasich (R)
Four candidates who are currently running for president (two Democrats & two Republicans).