Current Events Energy USM The Human Body
Who is Sepp Blatter?
This man, the president of FIFA, was re-elected to a fifth term despite a major corruption scandal within the organization
What is coal?
This is the source of 50% of America's energy use.
What is FIFO (first in/first out)
This system is used to determine the order to call "contacted" leads.
What is 4?
The heart has this many chambers
What is Anthrax?
The Pentagon accidentally mailed live spores of this to up to nine laboratories in the U.S. and South Korea.
What is hydro-power?
This is the largest source of renewable power in the U.S.
What is 6:00p.m. EDT?
If you set an appointment with a DM for 4:00p.m. MDT, this is when you should call.
What is 62,000? Any answer from 50,000 to 70,000 will be considered correct.
There are this many miles of blood vessels in the human body.
What is France?
Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right leg in a bicycle accident in this country
Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)?
Incandescent light bulbs only convert 10% of the energy used into light. this new light bulb technology uses 80% less electricity.
What is $250?
This is the commission for a colleague appointment
What is 14?
This is the number of bones in the big toe.
Who is American Pharaoh?
This favorite became the 12th horse in history to win the triple crown.
What is the United States?
This country produces 1/3 of the world's total nuclear energy.
What are Discovery Channel transponder, FOX Business Network and WeTV?
For a 5 minute "Health Briefs" segment airing in the U.S., these are the national networks available.
What is 1 quart.
This is the amount of saliva the average human produce daily.
Who are the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors?
These 2 teams are competing for the 2015 NBA Championship.
What is lighting?
20% of U.S. electricity is used for this purpose.
What is $13,500?
What is the commission for 3 $24,800 deals in a month.
What is 45 billion? Any answer from 40 billion to 50 billion will be considered correct
This is the number of fat cells the average American adult has.

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