Edward T. Hall | Handy | Johnson & Schole |
What is Monochronic culture?
a culture that do one thing a time.
What is power culture?
Power in the company is in the hands of one or few people.
What is the visual representations of the company?
What is the examples of High context culture? give names of the coutnries.
Middle East, Asia, Africa, South America
What is Banks and insurance?
it's role culture example.
What is the elements that focus upon past events in the orgnization and are told to people from the outside and the inside the organization?
What is Polychronic culture?
a culture that do multiple things at same time.
What is team culture?
A person is higher for his expertise to help a team.
What is Routines and Rituals?
The daily behavior and actions of people that signal acceptable behavior which are valued by managment.
What is objective culture?
It's Big "C" of iceberg theory.
What is person culture example?
doctors and lawyers are examples.
What is power structure?
The real power in the company.
What is Westren Europe?
It's low context culture example.
What is team or task culture Characteristic?
An individual should have a problem sloving mentality.
What are the six elements paradigm of Johnson & Schole?
Stories, Routines and Ritusls, Symbols, Orgnizational structure, control systems and power structure.