Edward Hall | Handy | Johnson and Shole |
what is "paying attention to do one thing at once"?
What are handy's 4 organization cultures?
1. Power culture.
2. Role culture. 3. Team culture. 4. Person culture. |
how are the people how make the Organizational culture web?
Johnson and Shole
People in French and Italy tend to keep large personal space between each other. Yes or No?
What is the culture of facebook?
Power culture.
What are the 6 elements of organizational culture web?
Stories, Routines and Rituals, Symbols, Organizational structure, Control system and power structure.
What is High-context culture?
Emphasize the interpersonal relationship/ collectivism/ follow the emotions and intuition
What is person is more important that the organization?
Person culture
What is the companys' heroes?
What is low-context countries?
North American, Western Europe
What is an example of team culture?
Law, accounting
What is the real power of the company?
Power culture
What are the visible items in iceberg theory?
Holiday customs, food, painting, facial expressions, dress, literature, religion rituals, eating habits.
What is power culture?
The power of the company is in one hand or in few people.
What are logo, formal and informal dress refers to?