Mao Zedong | Cultural Revolution Overview | Art | Youth Influence | Human Rights Issue |
The creator of the Cultural Revolution was Zedong (Zedong's last/family name is Mao).
What is the first name of the creator of the Cultural Revolution?
The Cultural Revolution is short for the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
What was the full name of the Cultural Revolution?
Many Chinese were humiliated, tortured, stripped of their identities, and killed for not following Mao Zedong's ideas. This is senselessly killing a group of people because of their beliefs.
How was the Cultural Revolution a human right's issue?
The Red Guards was a group made up of the youth of China, and was created in order to enforce communism into the "non-followers" of Maoism.
Which group was created in order to help carry out Mao Zedong's ideas of communism?
Artists and other Chinese would be tortured and humiliated for not following Mao Zedong's ways.
What happened to artists, and other Chinese that refused to follow Mao Zedong's ideas?
Mao Zedong lived from 1893 - 1976.
In years, when was Mao Zedong born, and when did he die?
Relics and artwork that displayed ideas of "old Chinese culture" would be destroyed in order to "severe the roots of old Chinese thinking."
Why were historical relics and specific artwork during this time destroyed?
Chinese were killed by Red Guards and other supporters of Mao, but many deaths also occurred because of famine/starvation, and a lack of resources.
How did people die throughout the Cultural Revolution?
The Chinese youth responded positively and supportively to the ideas of Mao Zedong and communism. Some of the Chinese youth joined groups in order to purge other of old ideas so they could be filled with the ideas of Mao.
How did the Chinese youth respond to Mao Zedong's ideas of communism?
The Cultural Revolution began in 1966, and ended in 1976.
In years, when did the Cultural Revolution start and end?
Mao Zedong aimed to please the peasants and the youth of China.
To which two groups (ex. gender, wealth) did Mao Zedong work to appeal his ideas to?
Model Operas during this time were called Model Operas.
What was the general name of the operas that were created in order to set an example of how to act for the public?
Non-Maoists would be forced to strip to their underwear and read Mao’s Red Book, as well as walking barefoot on glass and other forms of public humiliation. This is a somewhat open-ended question.
How were non-Maoists humiliated/tortured? Give an example or two.
Red Guards were a large government-oriented social movement made up of the youth of China who enforced communism, and Mao Zedong's ideas.
What were Red Guards?
The death toll was said to be as high as 3 million
How many people died because of the Cultural Revolution?
Mao came to power in 1949 by proclaiming the foundation the People’s Republic of China and over time solidifying his rule throughout China.
How and when did Mao Zedong come to power?
The "Four Olds" were old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits.
What were the "Four Olds?"
The Cultural Revolution dehumanized many Chinese. Polarization also occurred during this time.
What was the main stage of genocide that the Cultural Revolution carried out?
The Maoists followed Mao like a minion or robot, brainwashed by Mao Zedong. Somewhat open-ended question.
The followers of Mao Zedong acted like what (in terms of following Mao's orders)? Give a metaphor, word, or comparison.
The goal of the Cultural Revolution was to enforce communism by taking away traditional, cultural and capitalist parts of China’s society to enforce Maoist beliefs.
What was the goal of the Cultural Revolution and how was it achieved?
Mao got the idea of creating a communist country from Russia, who became communist through treating their workers unfairly, and eventually, an uprising happened naturally. But Mao Zedong did this by telling the peasants and the youth of China to uprise, t
How did Mao Zedong make China into a communist country, and where did he get this idea from?
The old style of ink painting was replaced by oil painting. This is a somewhat open-ended question.
What styles of art were changed in order to accommodate to Mao’s socialist way of thinking? Give an example.
Open-ended question! Come up with a thorough, well thought-out plan that could have helped during this time.
What do you think the U.S. or you yourself could have done to stop or raise awareness about the Cultural Revolution and the mass deaths that were occurring?
The youth of China and the peasants liked the idea of communism because this meant that everyone was equal and should be treated the same. This also gave them a chance to rise up against the higher status Chinese, and carry out revenge for not having an e
Why did Mao Zedong's ideas appeal to the youth of China and the peasants?
The Chinese had to carry around a little red book that held all of Mao Zedong's ideas. This book was a symbol of support to Maoism.
What was the object that every Chinese had to have with them in order to show support to Mao Zedong. What did they have in them?