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Albert Einstein
Who presented the theory of special relativity?
What style of art did Pablo Picasso develop?
It effectively established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States by declaring illegal the production, transport and sale of alcohol.
What is the 18th amendment?
Silent films were replaced with "talkies"
Why did the movie industry sky rocket in the 1920's?
What did Marie Curie discover?
What style of art is composed by lines, colors, and no definition?
Countries began to turn to communism and fascism.
What did the Great Depression lead to around the world?
Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong
Who were the two male musicians who represented the Jazz Age?
Alexander Fleming. It kills bacteria and acts as an antibiotic.
Who discovered penicillin and what does do?
Due to revolting against governments and war opposition.
Why did art movements occur?
It set the maximum number of immigrants entering the US annually at 350,000.
What did the Quota Act do?
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, and T.S Eliot
Who are some of the major literary figures of the era? (Name two)
The uncertainty principle. The book was published by Werner Heisenberg.
What did "About the Quantum Theoretical Reinterpretation of Kinetic and Mechanical Relationships" establish?
The Art Deco movement. It is characterized by geometric shapes and lavish ornamentation.
What type of art movement does the Chrysler Building represent?
The red scare was the fear of communism all around the world. Countries were scared of the spread of communism and took many precautions to stop it from spreading.
What was the significance of the Red Scare around the world?
Teenage rebellions.. Teens started to reject the morals of the Victorian Age and rebel against society.
What was the reason for the occurrence of flappers?
Dreams hold the key to the deepest thoughts of the mind and that there are conflicts between the conscious and the unconscious mental processes
What was Sigmund Freud's theory?
The movie industry
What industry skyrocketed in the 1920s?
It was a legal case in which a substitute high school teacher, John Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which made it unlawful to teach human evolution in any state-funded school. He lost and was fined $100.
What was the scopes trial?
It was a cultural movement for African Americans in New York. It was fueled by art, literature and music that challenged racial stereotypes.
What did the Harlem Renaissance represent?