
Biblical Mountains Washing The Papacy Type Of Biblical Fractions
What is The Mount of Olives?
Where Jesus prayed just before his Crucifixion.
What is His Apostles’ feet?
Jesus washes these after the Last Supper
What is Vatican City?
Tiny Country in which the Pope lives
What is Permanent?
Type of Deacon: P_ _m_ _ _ _t
What is 1/12?
What fraction of the Apostles Stayed with Jesus throughout the crucifixion?
What are The Beatitudes?
Jesus Sermon on the Mount is also known as…
What is The Jordan River?
John the Baptist baptized in this River
What is Pope Francis?
The current Bishop of Rome is…
What is Patron?
Type of Saint: P_ t_ _n
What is 9/10?
This fraction of the cured Leper Group did NOT return to thank Jesus
What is Mount Sinai?
Main Mount in the book of Exodus
What is His Feet?
What the Jewish leader neglected to offer Jesus water to wash
What is Magisterium?
The teaching authority of the church is called the m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What is Rosary?
Type of Sacramental:R_ s_ _y
What is 1/2?
Zacchaeus promised Jesus he’d give this fraction to the poor
What is Mount Horeb?
The Bible says it’s God’s Mountain
What is His hands?
Pilate washed these in front of the crowd
What is Swiss?
Nationality that you have to be in order to guard the Pope
What is Silent?
Type of Prayer: S_l_ _t
What is 1/10?
A tithe is a donation of this fraction
What is Mount Ararat?
Mountain on which Noah’s Ark came to rest.
What is 7?
Number of times Naamen the Syrian was told by the prophet Elisha to wash in the Jordan to cure his leprosy.
What is Curia?
The bureaucracy that helps the Pope Run the worldwide Catholic Church is called the C_ _ _ _
What is Unleavened?
Type of bread: U_l_ _v_ _ _d
What is 7/10?
This fraction of the Commandments Deal with how we treat others
What is “Shepherd I”
What is the name of the Pope’s Jetplane?

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