Reinforcement | Administration | M.O. | Running a Session | Behavior Management |
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In order for reinforcement to be effective and increase the future frequency of the behavior it should be provided within how many seconds?
What is Saturday, December 20th, 2014?
The date of the SB Holiday Christmas Party.
What is motivating operations?
M.O. is an acronym for...?
What is tell, show, do?
3-step guided compliance procedure.
What is consequence?
The "C" in the ABCs of behavior.
What is negative reinforcement?
The removal of a stimulus strengthens the future frequency of a behavior
Who is Tabatha, Hilary, Amy, Kristine and Joulan ?
All 5 first names of the clinical supervisors in the San Bernardino region.
What is satiation?
A state in which the M.O. has a decreased effectiveness.
What is a current item list?
This data sheet tracks targets that are mastered, in acquisition, and to be introduced in the future.
What is sensory/automatic, escape, access and tangible?
4 functions of behavior.
What is differential reinforcement?
Reinforcement that is provided for the desired behavior while inappropriate behaviors are ignored is...
What is 6?
Total number of NPA schedule lock dates in the month of December 2014.
What is deprivation?
A state in which the M.O. has increased effectiveness.
What is priming?
Preparing a person for what is about to occur using, words, pictures etc.
What is the replacement behavior?
This is an appropriate behavior desired to increase and occur in the absence of (or instead of) the inappropriate behavior.
What is immediate, contingent, consistent and appropriate?
The 4 principles of reinforcement
What is 6 months?
The amount of time your availability form should remain in effect/ before it can be updated.
What is a mand?
the M.O. is an antecedent to this verbal behavior.
What is a teaching trial?
Once you have identified a prompt level to start with, you will start running this trial after the test trial.
What is extinction?
Withholding items or activities that previously reinforced a behavior.
What is generalization?
The spread of the effects of reinforcement (or other operations such as extinction or punishment) of one stimulus to other stimuli, which differ from the original, along one or more dimensions.
What is the open door policy?
This policy ensures that associates receive fair and equitable treatment, and provides all associates with a confidential and easily accessible procedure for expressing problems and dissatisfaction.
What is the SD?
This other antecedent variable (not the M.O) also has an effect on the current frequency of a behavior.
What is a transfer trial?
Prompt fading occurs within this trial phase.
What is escape? (negative reinforcement)
Reinforcing a mand for "all done" or "break time" might be recommended as strategy for this behavior function.