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What is $0.75?
This is the price of a can of soda at the CSSU.
What is The Pirate Bay?
This company attempted to buy the Principality of Sealand.
What is Unix?
Linux and Apple's OS X are both built ontop of this OS.
What is public static void main?
This is the first line of a Java main function.
What is Beauty and the Beast?
This princess film nearly bankrupted Disney to make.
What is Convocation Hall?
This building had a scene from the movie "Mean Girls" filmed in it.
What is the keyboard?
What computer accessory did Apple try splitting in two in 1993, in an attempt to reduce injuries?
What is Apple Maps?
This map app was criticised for giving wrong, and occasionally dangerous directions in 2012.
What is Atom?
GitHub open-sourced this text editor in 2014.
What is The Wizard of Oz?
This is the first movie to be in color.
What is BA 1140?
This is the room number for the lobby of Bahen.
What is "Touching is Good"?
This was the slogan for the Nintendo DS when it was first being marketed.
What is Threshold?
This is the code name for the next release of Windows.
What is Visual Basic for Applications, or VBA?
This language is used to program in Microsoft Office products.
What is Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-A)?
The most expensive stock market shares are for this company.
What is McLennan Physical Laboratories?
This building had a scene from the movie "Good Will Hunting" filmed in it.
What is Amazon?
This company announced it may attempt to create its own internet if net nutrality is abolished.
What is California?
Apple's latest versions of OS X, Mavericks and Yosemite, are locations in this state.
What are Organized Punch Cards?
Prior to virtual programs, programs were stored in this form.
What is Canary?
This is the name of the development version of Google Chrome.
When is 1981?
The CSSU was founded in this year.
What is Sun Microsystems?
The CSSU logo based on this company logo.
What is platform-as-a-service?
Heroku, OpenShift, and Google Compute Engine are all examples of this kind of service.
What is Timsort?
This sorting algorithm is built into the Python programming language.
What are Tardigrades?
These organisms, also known as waterbears, are known for being nearly indestructible and can even survive in outer space.