U of T | Tech Companies | Software | Programming | Random |
What is Robarts?
This library was built to look like a peacock but came out looking more like a turkey.
Who is Steve Jobs?
This former CEO of Apple died in 2011.
What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol?
HTTP, the protocol used by web browsers, is short for this.
What are `for`, `while`, and `do while`?
These are three types of loops in Java.
Who is James Earl Jones?
This actor voices Darth Vader, Mufasa, and Lisa's Sax Hero Bleeding Gums Murphy.
What is Kit Kat?
The CSSU sells this brand of chocolate, also known as a version of the Android OS.
What is EventMobi?
Founded by U of T graduates in 2009, this startup has served event apps to millions of users.
What is Subversion or SVN?
This version control software is still in use today by MarkUs, the program used to submit and mark assignments.
What is "Hello World"?
This simple program outputs two words, traditionally used to verify that a language or system is operating correctly.
What is Gangnam Style?
This video is the most-viewed video on YouTube.
Who is Jonathan Webb?
He is the president of the CSSU.
What is IBM Watson?
This artificially-intelligent machine has created its own recipies and competed against humans in trivia events.
What is Linux and Git?
Linus Torvalds is most well-known for creating these two software products.
What is `switch`?
This type of statement can be used to replace large groupings of `if else` statements.
What is the Shiba Inu?
This dog breed is well known for the internet meme 'doge'.
What is Scientific Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Linguistics, Computer Vision, Computer Systems, Game Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Theory of Computation, or Web & Internet?
These are three focuses in CS.
What is Yahoo, Lycos, Alta Vista, Webcrawler, Info Seek, Excite, Ask Jeeves, or Dogpile?
This is a search engine that existed before Google.
What is Adobe Photoshop?
This is the most pirated software ever.
What is a nibble?
This is the word for half of a byte.
What is 10^100, or 1 followed by 100 zeroes?
A googol has this value.
What is Mega Bites?
Before being replaced by The CUBE, this café existed across from the elevators in Bahen.
Who are Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, or Chris Hughes?
These are two co-founders of Facebook.
What is Minuum?
This mobile keyboard for Android was created by U of T graduates.
Who is Dennis Ritchie?
He is the founding father of the C programming language.
What is the Basalisk, or Jesus Christ Lizard?
This lizard, native to mexico and central america, can run on water for short distances.